Chapter 57: Too Fucking Little Too Fucking Late

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57. Too Fucking Little Too Fucking Late

What went down at Shannon's wasn't pretty. There was a lot of yelling, then a bit of crying, and then a lot more yelling. I mean, I don't blame her for getting that emotional. Her dad, or José as she said she'd call him now, had literally been out of her life for eight years.

I'd be pissed too.

As for me, I just stood there awkwardly, watching everything go down. When I chimed in and asked if they wanted me to leave, Shannon yelled. Well, she didn't mean to yell at me per say, she was just heated and wanted her "NO!" to be louder than her father's "yes."

He tried to reason with her but she'd have none of that, and her mom tried to call a cease fire repeatedly and failed repeatedly. The entire conversation ended with Shannon storming upstairs to her room and dragging me along with her.

"Can you believe he was at breakfast this morning?" she muttered. "I can't believe my mom allowed him to come over."

"I guess it's his way of trying to reconnect," I told her.

"Well too fucking little too fucking late," she muttered again. "He even had the audacity to ask me if I needed a ride to school."

"I'm guessing you declined that offer?"

"I told him that I'd drive the Lamborghini that my mom got me all by herself for my sixteenth birthday," she answered. "And I did."

I remember that car. Shannon barely ever drove it because she said it was too precious and she didn't know why her mom would get something that expensive for her. So she usually just drove around in one of her mom's other cars.

"How did my life get so fucked up in one weekend?" she groaned, leaning on the locker beside mine. "First Cole, and then him."

"How are you feeling about Cole though?" I asked her. "Are you nervous about running into him?"

Neither of us had seen him so far, and I was grateful for that. Shannon might freak out, and I most definitely would flip out.

"I don't want to talk about it," she said quietly, and then sighed.

Shannon was never one to explode into a fit of emotions, not like I did anyway, which was why the incident at her house surprised me a bit even though I understood why. She would never let another person have the satisfaction of knowing that they hurt her. She wouldn't let anybody know for that matter. Like when Cole cheated on her. I knew she was hurting more than she let on, but she didn't ever say so. I just wished she'd let me in more than she usually did.

"Hey beauties," Sienna chirped as she approached us. She noticed Shannon's face. "Okay Shan, what's with the scowl?"

"You'd have a scowl if your absent sperm donor showed up after eight years asking to be let back into your life," she muttered.

"Woah," Sienna remarked. "What did I miss?"

"Shannon's dad showed up to her house yesterday," I said.

"And this morning," she scoffed.

"And this morning," I repeated.

"Oh," Sienna said. "Are you gonna give him a chance?"

"No," Shannon replied immediately. "He doesn't deserve it."

The bell rang and she angrily walked off to her next class.

"Think she'll be okay?" Sienna asked me.

I sighed. "Shannon's always okay, but this time around I really don't know."

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