Author's Note

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I can't believe it's finally done!

First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you who have been following this story from beginning to end, and those who will read in the future. Special thanks to those of you who took the time to vote and comment at the parts that made you smile, angry, want to cry, pull your hair out, or wish for a love life like this one lol.

I fell in love with Morgan and Aaron even before uploading the first chapter and I'm so happy that I got to see this book to completion. I probably went "aww" one too many times because of this book lol.

This story was a step up for me in my writing. I touched on things like racism and domestic violence which are sensitive to talk about. I explored a few mature themes and scenes which I'm still working on getting good at lol. This story for me wasn't the typical love story I'd usually write. I tried my best to touch on other things while still keeping Morgan and Aaron central to the storyline. Anyway, I'm so proud of it and I can't wait to keep growing!

Now with the issue of a sequel, if you haven't already guessed, there will not be one. I feel like the epilogues gave enough closure, plus I don't know what it would be about lol. They ended up together and happy, let's leave it at that.

Thank you all once again! Please check out my other books and be on the lookout for any new ones I might publish.

I love each and every one of you! And thank you for loving Morgan and Aaron.

- amani

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