Chapter 35: I'm A Limited Edition

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35. I'm A Limited Edition

When I opened my eyes, Aaron and I were well past the term all over each other. I was literally lying on top of him, the side of my face pressed onto his hard chest. His hand was loosely wrapped around my waist while the other was intertwined with my hand.

How did we end up like this?

Nevertheless I wasn't complaining. I slowly slipped my fingers out of his and rolled over to my side of the bed. My eyes widened when my leg brushed something I wished it didn't, and I tried my hardest not to laugh. I didn't want to wake him, it was still early, and I needed to go home and get ready for school.

Carefully, I slipped out of his bed and tip toed to the door after wearing my slippers. I stood there for a few seconds and smiled softly to myself as I watched him sleep peacefully. I went back, brushed his hair out of his face and kissed him softly on his temple. He moved a bit, but he didn't wake up.

Get going Morgan.


I stepped outside and slowly shut the door before going downstairs. I was hit with an amazing aroma and instantly felt hungry.


I stopped, looking towards the kitchen.

"April," I said sheepishly, walking up to her.

"Good morning," she smirked, nodding towards my hoodie.

I looked at it and laughed nervously. "Oh was raining last night and we'll Aaron said I could spend the n-"

"Morgan," she chuckled, subtly interrupting my explanation. "It's fine, you can stay whenever you like. I love my son to death, but I love him a little more when he's around you."

She winked and I let out another nervous laugh.

"You hungry?" she asked. "I made French toast."

"Thanks but I should really go get ready for school," I said.

She shrugged, grabbing a ziplock bag from a box. "Take it to go then. My treat."

She handed me one to try and I took a bite, savoring the goodness dancing on my tongue.

I took the rest. "Thank you. I'll see you later."

"You better," she said.

I smiled and then turned to leave.

I stopped to say one more thing. "Oh and for the record, I like myself more when I'm around your son too."

She chuckled. "Then you should let him know that."

"I'm working on it," I smiled once more, before taking my leave.

I walked outside and closed the front door. It was still quite chilly, so I hurried to my car and drove home so I could get ready for school.

I still ended up being late, so I just sat in my car in the parking lot and sipped on my coffee and ate April's delicious French toast until first period was over. When I heard the bell ring I got out and made my way towards the school building.

Shannon was waiting for me at my locker when I got there.

"Morgan," she remarked.

"Shannon," I replied.

"So," she chuckled. "Care to tell me why you played hookie first period?"

I threw the empty cup I held in a nearby bin and opened my locker. "I was with Aaron."

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