Epilogue 2: Once Upon A Bus Ride

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2. Once Upon A Bus Ride

I carried the plate of Christmas cookies from the kitchen to the dining room, careful not to drop it. At once a hyper fifteen-year-old girl came swishing past me, her braids flying in the air after her.

"Aaliyah James Smith what did I say about running in the house?!"

"Not now mom!" she yelled. "The sky is falling. Arthur is coming and I look a mess!"

I put the plate of cookies down and shook my head. "Honey you do know he's like eight years older than you right?"

"Love knows no age mother."

"No, but it does know the law," I chuckled. "Where are your brother and sister?"

"Um...I don't know?" she answered.

I sighed. "AJ, you're supposed to watch them. What if they're outside freezing away?"

"Relax, they're probably lost somewhere in the house," she shrugged. "You'd lose them too."

"Exactly, that's why I have you watch them," I smirked.

The doorbell rang, and I diverted my attention. "Go find April and Nick, I'll get the door."

"I still look a mess," she huffed.

I chuckled. "You look fine AJ. But my advice, why don't you maybe think about boys from let's say...school?"

"First of all, boys at Sterling are lame," my daughter said. "Second of all, dad promised to chase away boys I bring home from school."

"I'll handle your father," I smiled. "And if you don't like what's at Sterling I suggest you look across the courtyard."

I winked and proceeded to go answer the door.

"Arthur," I smiled, giving Paige's son a hug. He had grown into a handsome young man. "You guys have a key you know."

"I know Aunt Morgan," he said, stepping in. "But it's with my mom and she's arguing on the phone outside. I wasn't prepared to pry it from her death grip."

I chuckled, patting his shoulder lightly.

Paige showed up at the door next, looking exhausted. "Hey Morgan, sorry, my board is being a bunch of bitch babies right now."

I laughed. "Paige, it's Christmas. Why don't we leave our jobs at the door and enjoy the next couple of days together? Now come on, it's coming down out there."

She stepped into the mansion, getting shelter from the New York snow. Just then, my six-year-old twins came zooming past us.

"Nick! April!" I called.

They stopped, giving me wide-eyed stares and sheepish grins. My heart melted when I looked into the green eyes I was so in love with.

"Did you say hi to Paige and Arthur?" I asked.

"Hi Aunt Paige, hi Arthur," they said in unison.

"Hi cuties," Paige gushed.

"You guys are getting bigger by the minute aren't you?" Arthur said, picking up my little boy. "Probably more stubborn too."

"Speaking of stubborn," I observed. "Where's-"

"AJ?" Arthur chuckled.

I shifted my attention to the top of the staircase and shook my head in amusement. She was now in a flowing red gown that swept the ground behind her.

"Oh hello Arthur," she greeted, as she dramatically descended the stairs. "Nice of you to drop by, what a surprise, really. I assume you're here to take me on your private jet so we can move to a castle in Prague where we'll live happily ever after?"

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