Chapter 46: La La Land

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46. La La Land

The silence in the house was deafening. It had been extra quiet, especially with my mom not being able to face me after what happened in court.


It had been two weeks since the trial ended. Two weeks since the verdict.

I walked downstairs and was met with Jean sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking like something was on her mind. Clearly she wasn't taking the outcome well.

I sat down beside her. "Are you okay?"

She gave me a small smile and sighed. "Not really."

"Jean, it's over," I remind her. "Scott's doing his time, you won."

"Then why does it feel like I lost?" she muttered.

"Because you actually cared about that douche," I chuckled.  "Mom and dad already left for work?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

I eyed the suitcases next to her.

"You're getting out of town, that'll be good," I said, trying to sound happy about it.

After being terrorized by paparazzi the last couple of days, Jean wanted to escape somewhere. Laurel was going back to London, and so it made sense that she'd just go with her. I was sad about it, after all I didn't want yet another person to leave me alone in this house, but I understood. Besides, Laurel cared about her, I knew it.

"You know, just say the word and I'll stay," Jean laughed softly.

I gave her a pointed look. "Come on sis, we both know you need this."

"I know," she groaned. "I just hate to leave you when it's so close to the holidays. I was hoping we'd spend it together."

I shrugged. "It's okay, I have my friends. Shan wouldn't mind me staying at her place."

We both knew our parents' schedules didn't stop for anything, even the holidays.

"Aaron wouldn't either," she smirked.

I rolled my eyes, my smile unfading.

"He's a good guy Morgan, I'm happy for you," she said.

"Thank you."

"Okay, you better get to school," she told me.

"Maybe I should quit school and go to London with you," I joked, sinking into the couch.

"You're in your senior year Morgan, might do you some good to just tough it out," Jean laughed.

Right, I was. After the holidays were over I'd just have a few more months. And then it would be bye bye high school. With everything that had gone on, I'd barely thought of what I was going to do after that. Where would I go to college? Did I even want to go to college? I mean, it's not like I had some kind of talent like Jean to have a career without a college education. I'd have to start thinking about all of that and apply somewhere before deadlines ended at least.

"Yeah," I said. "Anyway, have fun in London...and with Laurel."

By the time I came home she'd be gone, so this was the last time I'd see her in person for a couple of weeks.

She chuckled at my tease. "I'll be back before you know it, I promise."

I leaned close to her and she hugged me tightly.

"Boy am I going to miss you," I mumbled.

"I don't care where the hell in the world I am. You need me, you call. Lean on me," she told me.

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