Chapter 17: How To Get Away With Murder

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17. How To Get Away With Murder

"Morgan?" Aaron called.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh? Sorry."

"Okay this is like the third time you've spaced out on me," he chuckled. "Are you worried about your mom?"

Oh shit, my mom.

I checked the time on my phone and immediately stood up. "She'll be home with Jean any moment from now."

"Okay, calm down, we'll leave now and make it back soon," he told me. "Come on."

I followed him to his motorcycle and once again I had to compose myself at our proximity. Ignoring the flutters in my chest I held on like before as he took us back to my house.

"Oh no," I muttered when we rode past the gates.

The familiar white vehicle was parked close to the front door, and a bodyguard was opening the door. As soon as the black pumps were exposed I didn't need to wait for the rest of her body to know it was my mom.

Aaron came to a stop and helped me down.

"Sorry I couldn't get us here faster," he apologized. "You're probably in trouble because of me."

"I'm in trouble because of me, don't worry," I chuckled as he helped me take off the helmet. "And as fun as that was, we're taking my car wherever next time."


I turned. "Mom."

She approached us. "And where were you young lady?"

I sighed. "I just went to the park mom, it's no big deal."

"With him I suppose?" she asked, a snobbish look on her face."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, we're friends."

"On a motorcycle no less," she continued. "Morgan, that's dangerous."

"Don't take it out on her," Aaron came to my defense.

"Don't bother," I told him.

"Well I'll be inside," she said, before turning around and walking away.

I covered my face with my palms in utter embarrassment at her attitude.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

He took my hands and pulled them off my face and I was met with his charming smile. "Don't be. I guess that's your mom huh?"

"The one and only," I said.


I looked over and saw my sister standing there with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Oh um...Jean this is Aaron," I introduced. "Aaron this is my sister Jean."

"Oh so you're the famous Aaron," she teased, shaking his hand. "I've heard a boat load about you."

My eyes widened and at that moment I was thankful for the fact that I don't blush.

"You have," Aaron chuckled, looking at me.

I hate both of them.

"She's exaggerating," I said nervously.

"Well I'll leave you two to," she said with a teasing smile before leaving the two of us alone.

"Sorry," I said when she left. "Again."

He chuckled. "You're cute."

"I'll um...I'll to you later?" I managed to say.

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