Chapter 15: French Fry

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15. French Fry

"Well?" I asked Shannon through FaceTime, smoothening the bottom of my dress.

Today was the stupid brunch I was being forced to go to and so I had to put on a stupid dress and put a stupid smile on my face. And on top of it all it was one of those stupid days where I felt ugly in every stupid thing I wore.

Today was stupid.

"Turn around," she said.

I gave her a three sixty, waiting for her comments after.

"Hmm," she observed. "Hmmmmmm..."

"Okay Shan, I don't have all day," I interrupted.

She laughed. "I'm teasing, you look amazing. This is definitely the one."

I looked at myself again in my mirror and sighed. "I look like a potato."

"Honey, you better not be putting yourself down or I will jump out of your screen and slap your senses back into you," Shan told me.

I chuckled. "Well sorry if I offended you."

She rolled her eyes. "Morgan, you're not a potato. You're a french fry."

I rose an eyebrow. "A french fry?"

"Yes, a french fry. A fucking tasty, sizzling hot french fry that everyone wants a bite off, not a sad boring potato," she said.

I laughed. "You're so sweet."

"Now say it with me girl," she ordered. "I am a french fry!"

I rolled my eyes, smiling. "I am a french fry."

"Like you mean it," she told me.

I laughed and said it more confidently. "I am a french fry!"

"That's right, a fucking french fry," she laughed.

She was really the best hype woman.

Then I heard my mom yell my name.

I sighed. "Gotta go Shannon, I'll talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you more," she said. "And remember, french fry!"

"Yes ma'am," I laughed and then ended the call.

I slipped on a shiny pair of silver heels and looked at myself one more time.

"French fry."

That was probably going to be my daily mantra now.

I took my phone and left my room, walking down the hall. Jean was coming out of hers as well.

"Hola gorgeous," I remarked, taking in her beautiful blue jumpsuit. Her straightened hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail.

She shut her door gently and smiled at me. "Hello beautiful, you know you always look amazing, but black, really?"

I nodded. "It's an extension of my soul today."

She chuckled. "Hold on."

She re-entered her room and I waited outside for a couple of seconds before she returned, a silver clutch purse in her hand.

"Here." She handed it to me.

"Really?" I asked.

She shrugged. "What? It's cute. Plus it matches your shoes and you won't look so morbid."

I laughed softly, accepting it and dropping my phone inside.

"Girls!" mom yelled.

"Let's go before we unleash the monster," Jean joked, linking her arm in mine.

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