Chapter 60: You Make Me A Nervous Wreck Too

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60. You Make Me A Nervous Wreck Too

Jean was waiting for me at when I got home like she said she'd be. We had dinner together and then watched a couple of episodes of Modern Family, before I retired to my room. After taking a shower and getting into bed, my phone began to ring. I hoped it was Aaron, but it wasn't. It was Justin, but I quickly answered anyway.

"I'm so sorry," was the first thing I uttered.

He chuckled. "Calm down Morgan, I don't think it's your fault."

"Oh," I said. "Is Aaron with you?"

"No, he's at home, the rest of us are hiding out at the studio," Justin answered. "April was able to drive away any unwanted guests so they shouldn't be surrounded by now. You should go see him."

"Isn't he mad at me?" I huffed.

"He's frustrated at the situation, but no, not mad at you. Now get your butt up and go."

I laughed softly. "Okay, okay."

I heard Lynn in the background, and I'm pretty sure she was expressing her distaste for me.

"Shut up," Justin snapped at her.

"I'm guessing she's not a big fan of me?" I asked.

"Never mind that," he said. "Just go see Aaron."

I smiled a little. "I will. Thanks Justin."

"You're welcome."

I hung up and changed my clothes, before grabbing my keys and rushing out the door. I parked a few feet away from Aaron's house and walked the rest of the distance. I made sure there were no vans hiding out first, and then I rang the doorbell.

"I swear to God if you're another-" April began, stopping after she realized it was just me. "Oh Morgan honey, I'm sorry, its been crazy here today."

"I heard," I chuckled softly as she let me in.

"Hi Morgan," Ayana grinned one she saw me.

I returned the gesture. "Hey."

"I have my first rounds of a chess competition," she said. "Wanna come watch me?"

"Uh..." I trailed, trying to let her down easily.

"Morgan has important stuff to attend to," April told her.

"And I'm guessing it has something to do with why Aaron's imprisoned himself in his room?" the little girl drawled.

I chuckled. She was so smart. "Something like that, but I promise I'll go to your other matches."

"Aaron's in his room, he'll be glad you're here," April smiled.

"April, I don't know if he told you how this happened bu-"

"He told me," she gently interrupted. "And don't be hard on yourself sweetheart, no one blames you. It was all just an unfortunate turn of events."

I sighed. "Yeah. I wish I could take this whole day back though."

"We'll figure it out, don't worry," she smiled. "Now run along, I'd say you might be the only one who can take his mind off things. I'm going to take Ayana to chess. We should be back soon enough but you two just order in or something if you get hungry before that."

I laughed softly. "Thanks April."

She winked at me, and then left with Ayana. As for me, I went up the stairs and gently knocked on Aaron's bedroom door. It was slightly ajar, and so I slowly pushed it open.

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