Chapter 38: You Kiss All Your Friends Like This?

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38. You Kiss All Your Friends Like This?

When the show was over, Aaron led me out and locked up like he said he would.

"That was amazing! Not just amazing, it was perfect!" I remarked in bliss. "We could see everything, ever-"

I stopped, when I realized all he was doing was giving me that look again.

"I'm talking a lot aren't I?" I laughed.

He shook his head. "I like listening to you talk."

"Good," I grinned.

"Let's not get carried away though," he joked. "There's only so much of Morgan Hall I can take."

I rolled my eyes. "Has it been that long since I told you to shut it?"

He chuckled and stepped closer, kissing me. It was pure bliss I tell you, every time he kissed me.

Every single time.

He pulled away and smiled at me.

This is real, this is real, this is freaking real!

"Hey um...Aaron?"

"Morgan?" he responded.

"I know this is only our first date and all but...what are we exactly?"

"Fast aren't we?" he smirked.

I shoved his shoulder lightly. "I was just wondering. You only said you wanted to go on a date but you've also kissed me more times than I can possibly count since that day in the music store. Does that just make us friends who just kiss each other?"

Way to overthink things Morgan. Go ahead and chase away your only shot of your first real boyfriend.

He gave me a teasing smile. "You kiss all your friends like this Morgan? Because that would be very strange."

"Aaron!" I laughed. "I'm serious."

He intertwined our hands and chuckled. "Look, you can call it whatever you want. A couple, an alignment of stars, a twist of fate, a shift in paradigms...I'll be whatever you want me to be Morgan, as long as it's with you."

I was speechless.

"Say something," he smiled.

I detangled my hands from his and wrapped them around his neck. "If I knew you were such a romantic I would have told you how I felt way sooner."

He laughed. "Come on, I should take you home."

"Nope, not home, to the loft. I'm spending the rest of my weekend with Jean."

"Are you ever in your own house?" he chuckled, putting one of the helmets over my head before fastening it.

I love it when he does that.

I shrugged. "My father's always traveling, Maisie and MJ are gone, Jean's either busy or not there...there's nothing welcoming about the place."

"What about your mom?" he asked softly.

I rose an eyebrow. "You've met my mother, what about her seems welcoming?"

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