Chapter 40: I Fear For My Brain Cells

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40. I Fear For My Brain Cells

"Do it."


"Come on."

"Flower, no," Aaron said.

"Party pooper," she pouted.

"You always call me that."

"She's not wrong," Shannon said.

"Shut up," he said.

"Make me."

"Come on dude, it's not that hard," Justin told him.

"We've done it twice already," Aaron pointed out.

"Because you lost a bet," Ayana said.

"You only said we'd do it once," her brother told her.

"You also only said I couldn't say pi to the fiftieth decimal," she grinned. "Plus I'm cute, that has perks."

"I'm cute too," he retorted. "Right Morgan?"

"Don't use her to get out of this," Shannon said, making me look at her.

I only laughed. The four of us had gotten pretty close, and now we were hanging out with Aaron's sister at his house.

"I kinda wanna see this again," I laughed.

"It's settled then," Justin said. "Ready buddy?"


"Well I want to get this over with so..."

Justin cleared his throat, and then began belting out the words. "A whole new world! A new fantastic point of view!"

I burst into fits of laughter as Justin sang the famous Disney song a third time.

"No one to tell us, "no", or  where to go, or say we're only dreaming!"

"I'd say you're enjoying this Justin," Shannon laughed, as Ayana and I cheered him on.

"Okay we've made enough fools of ourselves," Aaron said.

"Aw, but I liked listening to you sing," I teased.

He chuckled and then came over to kiss me. "I'll sing to you some other time."

"Whipped," I heard someone mutter, and then I laughed when I realized it was Ayana.

Aaron took one of the throw pillows on the couch and tossed it at her, making her giggle.

"You two would be so cute doing a Jasmine and Aladdin costume for Halloween," Shannon gushed.

"Isn't it enough that I'm already going to this party?" Aaron asked.

"It could be fun," I said as he sat down beside me.

The Halloween block party happened every year downtown, and anyone could go. Shannon and I had gone twice, during our freshman and sophomore year. I missed it last year, but I was kind of excited to go this year.

My phone began to ring and and I sighed, silencing my phone. "Come on Shan, I need to go."

She was my ride here.

"Why?" Aaron asked.

"My mother dearest seems to have a new reason to be a bitch to me probably," I chuckled. "She only calls when she needs me to do something."

"Morgan, language," Shannon prompted, gesturing her head towards Ayana.

"I've been around Justin, I've heard it all," the little girl shrugged.

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