Chapter Twenty Two

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Reader's POV:

I could sense Lana's hesitation as she placed a light kiss to my forehand, her lips lingering longer than usual. I could feel her gentle breathing, warm against my face as she slowly pulled away. "I'll be quick." She whispered, a mixture of reassurance and worry in her eyes.

I offered her a small smile and watched as she left the room. Part of me didn't want her to come back, and I felt awful for feeling that way. But, I was barely holding it together, and Lana was the last person I wanted to see me like this.

The room held an eery silence, Dr Osbourne's presence momentarily forgotten until her voice broke the silence. "How are you feeling?" She took a seat next to me. I guess she wasn't leaving anytime soon. I really just wanted to be alone, but I didn't have the heart nor the energy to tell her to leave.

I didn't know how to answer her question, because I wasn't really feeling anything. I guess I still hadn't completely processed what had happened. I tried to block it out but it was difficult because every time I closed my eyes, his face was all I saw.

No verbal response seemed appropriate to answer her question so I settled for a small shrug of the shoulders, my gaze still fixed on the doorway, where my girlfriend's retreating form was only moments ago.

"Y/n.." My eyes slowly followed the sound of the doctors voice, and I didn't like what I saw. She was looking at me sympathetically, like she somehow knew what had happened, or like she had a burning question to ask but didn't quite know how to word it.

"After you collapsed.." she started, leaning forward slightly and lowering her voice. "..and I was putting your hospital gown on.." She paused, and I frowned in confusion. Where is she going with this? "I noticed a lot of bruising on your back.. and your upper arms.." Shit.

I didn't answer just quickly averted my gaze, clutching my fractured wrist to my chest as tears threatened to fall.

"If there's anything you'd like to talk about..?"

I just stayed silent, hoping if I didn't say anything she'd drop the subject. I wasn't even aware of the bruising on my body, all the pain was directed at my wrist and.. between my legs. I should have never let Lana drag me to the hospital.

"I have to ask, did somebody do this to you?"

More silence.

"I've been a doctor a long time to know that.." her voice was calm and sincere as she pointed to my wrist. "..that wasn't caused by a fall in the shower."

I glanced down at my wrist, the bruising a lot worse than before. I contemplated saying something but I just couldn't get the words out. I was still hoping it was a horrible nightmare, but the moment I say it out loud, it becomes real. I become a victim.. a victim of.. the tears started flowing freely down my face now and I turned my head to the side so Dr Osbourne couldn't see. I wanted Lana to come and hold me, but at the same time I didn't.

"Just leave it." My voice was quiet and I don't think she heard me.

"We have people you can talk to.. domestic abuse is very-"

Domestic abuse? She thinks Lana did this? Lana doesn't have an abusive bone in her body. It almost makes me angry that she would suggest such a thing.

My head whipped round so fast it almost gave me whiplash. "You think Lana did this? Lana would NEVER hurt me!" My voice was loud, loud enough to startle the doctor. More tears rolled down my cheeks, and I aggressively wiped at them with my good hand.

"Look, I know it's-"

I shook my head, cutting her off before she could finish. "No you don't know!" I yelled. "You don't have a fucking clue!" Anger was coursing through my veins, my voice getting louder with every thudding heartbeat. "Lana is the most kind hearted, gentle, loving woman I've ever met! She would never hurt me! Lana didn't do this." My whole body was trembling now. I just wanted her to shut up and leave me alone. This was none of her business.

"Sometimes you don't realise-"

"Oh my god!" I groaned loudly, throwing my head back and squeezing my eyes shut to hold back the avalanche of tears that were only seconds away. "I WAS RAPED!" I screamed so loudly that I'm pretty sure the whole hospital heard me. But that didn't bother me. What bothered me the most was the eyes I met across the room, in the doorway, her gaze fixed on mine, eyes glistening with tears.


Sorry this chapter is like super short but I wanted to give you guys an update and I felt it appropriate to end the chapter there. I hope you're enjoying this story, I promise things will get better eventually. Let me know your thoughts.
~T ~

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