Chapter Thirty Three

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*Six months later*
Reader's POV:

"Lana where are you taking me? We've been driving forever!" I whined, starting to get a little restless and impatient with the long drive. Usually I didn't mind long drives, they were relaxing. I found them rather satisfying, just watching the world go by. But when I was blindfolded and couldn't see anything other than the insides of my eyelids, the journey was less relaxing, less satisfying.

"I told you it's a surprise!" She lightly chastised, her hand offering a gentle squeeze to my thigh causing me to jump slightly, earning a small chuckle from the brunette.

A memory suddenly flitted through my mind, summoning a wistful smile to my lips. Our first real date, Lana showing up at my apartment looking absolutely breath-taking (as she always does) a blindfold secured around my eyes as she drove me to a sacred place, her place which had become our place. We hadn't been there in a while so I made a mental note to take her back sometime soon. That night will always hold a special place in my heart.

"...and we are here." Lana's soft, excited voice pulled me from my reverie. My stomach did flips in anticipation as she pulled the car to a stop. I strained my ears, hoping I would hear something that would give me a clue to where we were. When one sense was restricted, all my others seemed to be heightened. But the only sound I could hear was Lana unbuckling her seatbelt, the car door opening and shutting followed by the door on my side being pulled open; a light breeze hitting me almost instantly. I undid my seatbelt as Lana aided me out of the car. Her hands gripped my shoulders as she guided me forward, my steps slow and tentative, arms outstretched.

"It's ok, I've got you." She whispered sending a tingle down my spine as she placed a gentle kiss to the top of my head. The only sounds I could hear now was the low whistle of the wind, Lana's gentle breathing and the faint tap of her heels against the concrete.

After a few minutes we came to a halt and on the count of three she removed the blindfold. Blinking a few times, my surroundings slowly came into view. We'd been here before.

A couple months ago Lana and I were on one of our long drives when we came across this house. It sounds silly, but it reminded me of the dollhouse my grandparents bought me when I was younger. I was obsessed with that thing, until my mum smashed it up in one of her drunken states. I immediately begged Lana to stop the car as soon as I saw the beautiful exterior. It was practically in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nature. So peaceful and quiet, away from the rest of the world. The outside was painted white accompanied by a soft lilac colour around the window frames and the roof. It had a cute little porch, with a variety of flowers on either side of the stairs leading up to it. There was a swinging bench to the left and I could just picture me and Lana snuggled up on there with a blanket as we talked about our day. Enjoying the late night summer breeze with a glass of wine, and in winter a hot chocolate nestled in our hands as we watched the snow fall.

It was like love at first sight and when I saw the for sale sign I just knew it was meant to be. We had been looking to move but none of the houses we had viewed were quite right. There was always something missing but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. Then when I saw this house, I just knew this was where me and Lana belonged.

So Lana called the retailer and set up a house viewing. The inside was just as stunning as the outside and I fell in love all over again. Even Lana agreed that it was one of the most beautiful houses she'd ever seen. Unfortunately the asking price was far too extortionate for either one of us to afford. We had discussed every possible solution, even taking out a loan wasn't a viable option. Lana had even suggested selling her car but I wouldn't let her do that. So we'd pretty much given up hope at that point.

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