Chapter Seventeen

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TW ⚠️ Rape.
Please don't read if you think you could be triggered by this. I completely understand if you want to skip this chapter. You do not need to read this to understand the rest of the story.

Reader's POV:

"Oh crap I've forgotten my phone." Lana rummaged through her bag in search of the device. We were right outside the bar and a cold shiver ran down my spine as the chilly wintery air enveloped me in a cold hug.

"Ok, I'll be like 5 minutes." She pulled out some cash and handed it to me. "Get the drinks in and I'll be as quick as I can." Just as I was about to protest to her paying, because she paid last time, she quickly shut me up with a kiss, one that left me feeling slightly dazed.

I watched her for a few moments thinking how insanely lucky I was before making my way into the bar.

The bar was rather busy tonight, much busier than usual which caused me to feel slightly anxious but I just brushed it off, pushing through the crowd of people towards the bar.

I ordered a white wine for both me and Lana, and since there was no available tables to sit at, I stayed at the bar slowly sipping my wine and praying Lana would hurry up.

"Look who it is." Came a male voice from beside me. I didn't need to look, I knew exactly who it was. Chris. He was clearly already hammered. If the bar wasn't there to help support him, he would have for sure face planted the floor.

"You here alone?" I didn't bother replying, just pretended as though he wasn't there, which is what I did 99% of the time.

"You know what you are..?" Chris then slurred moving closer to me. I could smell the strong alcohol on his breath mixed with a staleness that made me feel sick and I recoiled slightly.

"You're a tease." He took another swig of his beer, his eyes wandering slowly over my body. I felt self conscious under his gaze. Exposed like an animal at the zoo. But I didn't want to show him that so I stood my ground. However, I couldn't stop my eyes drifting over towards the door hoping Lana would walk in before this situation got any more uncomfortable.

"Go home Chris you're drunk." I rolled my eyes downing the last of my wine, turning on my heel and heading out of the bar.

Sure enough he followed me outside. "What's wrong? Haven't got your little girlfriend here to protect you now have you? Fucking dykes." I heard him stumble slightly, cursing under his breath. I just kept walking, picking up my pace as I headed back towards work, hoping he'd take the hint and leave me alone. I debated calling Lana but thought better of it and shoved my phone back into my pocket. Just as I rounded the corner, the wind was almost knocked out of me as I was pulled back, and slammed against the wall. His lips were on mine in an instant, his filthy hands wandering down my body.

"Chris! What the fuck are you doing?" I just about managed to push him off me wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. He staggered slightly but gained his balance soon enough. His lips stretching out into an evil grin.

"Don't act like this isn't what you want. Why are you with Lana.." He pulled a face when he said her name. Like the mere thought of her made him feel sick. "When you could have this?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now. Not once had he shown any interest in me, which I was grateful for. Now he was saying all this, and he was married! God only knows what possessed his wife to marry him. He was a disgusting human being, if you could call him that.

"Why the fuck would I want you?" I stepped closer to him, my voice dangerously low and full of hatred. "I love Lana, not that I should have to justify myself to you." I allowed my eyes to wander up and down his body like he had done with me, only I looked at him with disgust, taking in his ragged and dishevelled appearance. I paused taking another step towards him, pushing him back slightly. "Never in my life have I been so repulsed by someone than I have by you." I stared him straight in the eye, challenging him to so much as breathe in my direction. "You disgust me." I then added.

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