Chapter Thirteen

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Reader's POV:

I paced up and down the length of my living room waiting for Lana to get here. I was furious with my mum. She shows up out of the blue after 3 years wanting to make "amends" when in reality all she wanted to do was run my life, like I was a kid again. Guess she didn't like the fact that I was also an adult now, so she couldn't push me around anymore.

Suddenly there was a gentle knock at the door breaking me from my thoughts, and in walked Lana. Her face softened when she saw the look on mine. It was probably red and blotchy from crying so much, but with a little anger on the surface.

She slowly walked over to me and gently pulled me in for a hug, I was reluctant at first because I was so angry and didn't want to start crying again, but one of Lana's hugs is exactly what I needed. I buried my face in her neck, releasing a shaky breath as more tears started to surface.

"Guess she didn't take it so well, huh?" She asked, stroking my hair out of my face.

I didn't answer for a few seconds, just wrapped my arms tightly around her before I slowly pulled away to look at her. "It's not that. I haven't told her yet." I paused wiping my eyes, my gaze dropping to the floor. "My mum tried to set me up on a date." I felt ashamed, like I'd cheated on Lana even though I knew that wasn't the case, but I had the chance to leave as soon as I worked out what was going on and I didn't. I didn't need to look at Lana to know that she was probably hurt, I mean I would feel exactly the same if the roles were reversed and she was on a date with someone else.

"Oh." I heard her say. "So that's why you're all dressed up?"

My gaze met hers and I quickly shook my head. "I didn't know. She said she wanted to take me out to dinner, some way of "making it up to me" for being such a shitty mum. Like that would change anything." Lana nodded slightly, she looked a little more relieved but I could still see the hurt in her eyes. "I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?" I knew she wasn't mad, Lana was never mad at me just like I could never be mad at her.

She shook her head gently and I admired the way her ponytail bounced slightly. "No, I'm not mad. You know I could never be mad at you." She stepped closer to me brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I just don't like the thought of you on a date with somebody else."

I nodded my understanding, I'd feel exactly the same way. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Hey," she wiped away a tear that had started to roll down my cheek. "You don't need to apologise darling." She tilted my chin up and her lips met mine in a slow, passionate kiss. I pulled away letting out a deep sigh before falling back onto the sofa, bringing Lana with me. I rested my head on her shoulder, linking my fingers through hers.

"God that woman infuriates me." I groaned, snuggling closer to Lana. "You know for a split second I thought she had actually changed. But I guess a leopard never changes it's spots." I sighed.

Lana hummed, wrapping her arm around me pulling me closer to her. "I'm not trying to pry or anything and you don't have to tell me if you don't want too, but what exactly happened between you and your mum?"

I chewed on my lower lip for a second, working out the more appropriate way to answer that question, other than my mum is just a bitch, which is what I usually told people if they ever bothered to ask. "Well, growing up she wasn't the best mum. I didn't realise it until I was a teenager, but I was mentally and emotionally abused as a child." I paused for a second, absentmindedly fiddling with Lana's bracelet. "There were some times when it got physical, but that was only when I'd been really naughty." I remembered the time when she slapped me across the face because I'd accidentally spilt my juice on her white carpet, and I shuddered at the memory.

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