Campus - Iwazumi Hajime 🎶

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🎵 I wake up, my shoulder's cold
I've got to leave here, before I go
I pull my shirt on, walk out the door
Drag my feet along the floor 🎵

"Oh, fuck no, this can't be happening right now!" Your eyes cruising around the foreign apartment your clothes thrown around the room with the combination of a man's shirt and trousers as you felt the colour vent from your sizzling hot skin skull whirling round to recognize none other than Mr Iwazumi, your Sports professor laying beside you his broad chest revealed a delicious set of abs adorning the masterpiece.

"Wait!" You mentally shriek hoisting the covers to see that you am fully naked "I need to leave now" you mentally smack yourself into gear tossing the covers off quietly the coldness from the elegant apartment landing on your shoulders. You rapidly throw your clothes from yesterday back on and slip on your heels a kind note on the coffee table, before legging it from the apartment.

🎵 Then I see you, you're walking 'cross the campus
Cruel professor, studying romances
How am I supposed
to pretend I never want
to see you again?  🎵

"Good morning guys!" Hinata and Kiyoko's bubbly voice arising from behind us as Kags, Tanaka, Nishinoya and you prepare room for them at the table.  "Good morning" you respond tiredly the coffee in your hands a source of energy. "Pardon my French y/n but you look like utter shit" Kiyoko delivering the gentle punch to your mind.

"I went out with some friends from class last night and got completely wasted," the additional half of the story left out "hook up with anyone?" Tanaka inquires simply a red tint shaping your cheeks "Nah" you reply short but fast as he taunts "liar" he chuckles as the remainder agrees with him "who was it?.... Was it that Oikawa kid?" Nishinoya forces as you shake your head "what about Tsukishima, you often did like the quiet types" Hinata grades in as you shake your head.

"HEY MR. IWAZUMI!" Hinata exclaims as he looks up from his phone and faces us his eyes flickering open in realisation as they lock with yours, an odd silence falling upon your lips "good morning" he answers back quickly before picking up the pace.

"Well, that was weird" Tanaka questions as you place your head in your hands. how am I going to survive this class?

🎵 Walked to class in front of ya
Spilt kefir on your keffiyeh
You look inside and turn to the door
Drag your feet along the floor 🎵

You was wandering to physical Ed class coffee in hand when you accidentally crashed into someone your cup of coffee dripping down their shirt "oh my God! I am so sorry, I'm such a dick" you mumble plucking a tissue from your bag when you hear a deep chuckle from the individual and bend your head up to come face to face with none other than your one night stand "it's alright Miss l/n" his genuine smile and features bringing back memories from last night.

He seems to realise your shock as he lets out an even sigh "can we talk in private?" He responds quietly signalling to the empty field that all students use that leads to one thing or another "yeah sure" your feet perking up as they follow his shuffling ones.

🎵 In the afternoon, you're out on the stone and grass
And I'm sleeping on the balcony after class 🎵

"I want to apologise for last night, as your professor, I should have controlled myself and not taken advantage of your weak state. If you want to file a complaint with the university I will not stop you" his face coming across hurt at the suggestion your legs scrambling to stand up as you tremble your hands at him "no no I'm not going to file a complaint, I was just as much in the wrong as you, I mean was I out of my face on alcohol, yeah, but I knew exactly what I was doing" your face turning red.

"How about we just overlook it ever happened?" You suggest as he relaxes his tie "I agree" as we shake hands and you get ready to lead the way to class "oh by the way sir!" You holler as he turns to look at you "I think you have nice abs" his face red before darting from the field. "Time to head to class and sleep" you yawn.


Song: Campus by Vampire weekend

𝙎𝘼𝙑𝘼𝙂𝙀 🎶 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙠𝙮𝙪𝙪 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙑𝙤𝙡.5 Where stories live. Discover now