Magnetic - Osamu Miya 🎶

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🎶I'm givin' it up baby
That trying to resist what's automatic, anyway
Not givin' it up, bae
'Cause when you come around I got to have it
So whatcha think about that?🎶

"See ya later Mochi!" I pat the land ladies little white pomeranian on the head before poking my head into the kitchen "see you later Mrs Konhoa! This months rent is in the box!" I shout the words "Stay safe dear" drowned out by the sound of me shutting the sliding door and jogging towards the quiet streets.

I wonder if I'll seem him again today! I mentally think to myself, I always go on a jog before school to clear my head and just so happend to bump into none other than the Miya twins who just so happend to go to the same school as me.

It's like some kind of automatic attraction but I mean can you blame me Osamu is smoking hot after all. But he wouldn't want a girl like me. "LOOK WHO IT IS!" the words snapping me out of my mental thought bubble the familiar bodies and faces of the two dream boats before me.

🎶No puedo alejarme, yo siempre caigo en la tentación
Baby, perderme en tus ojos no fue mi decisión
Una mirada que solo había visto en televisión
No peleemos con la ley de la atracción / English: I can't escape, I always fall into temptation Baby, getting lost in your eyes wasn't my decision A gaze I had only seen on television We lost to the law of attraction)🎶

We were talking about the upcoming finals when atsumu blurted out "wanna jog with us?" The question accomapned by a simple yes or no answer SAY NO! I mentally tell myself "sure! I'd love to!" As I feel a red flush crawl on my cheeks "be warned though we don't stop every five minutes" Osamu jokes My eyes getting lost in his the stare so intense it sends shivers down my spine.

"Try and keep up if you can!" They shout jogging ahead of me as I shake my head and catch up to them in no time "your in class 1-A right?" Atsumu stumbles out between breaths as I nod my head "so you like super brainy?" He questions as weak laugh escapes me "I wouldn't say super brainy but smart none the less" I joke as a laugh escapes all of us the moment short lived as I feel a tight pain in my chest.

"Ahh" I whine quietly immedialty coming to a halt and bending over in pain "giving up already huh?" Atsumu questions only to be met with wheezing.

🎶Your touch is magnetic
'Cause I can't forget it
(There's a power pullin' me back to you) And baby I'll let it
'Cause you're so magnetic, I get it
(When I'm waking up with you, oh)🎶

"Hey? You okay?" Osamu crouching underneath me in seconds as shock runs across his face "SHIT! SHE CANT BREATH! SHES ASTHMATIC!" As the colour drains from Atsumu's face "where's you inhaler?" He questions as I reach for my jacket pocket in desperation of a hard lump only to find its soft "shit" Is all I mumble the pain becoming even tighter "you know where she lives right?" Osamu questions Atsumu as he nods "then step on it" is all he had to say as Atsumu runs back the way we came at the speed of lightning.

🎶Como un imán, nuestros labios se pegan Besos vienen y se van
Pero aquí se quedarán cuando tu estás Todo se vuelve posible
Porqué tu cuerpo increíble
Tiene una cosa que a mi me llama
Como un imán invisible, oh / English: Like a magnet, our lips stick together Kisses come and go But here they will stay When you are here, everything becomes possible Because your amazing body has something that attracts me Like an invisible magnet🎶

"Just breath slowly with me, let's sit down" his hands wrapping around my shaking ones as we take a seat on the cold concrete pavement his hands never letting go of mine "Its.. never...been...this...bad" I speak inbetween large breaths "dont talk, just focus on me okay" his hand lifing my chin to face into his eyes, everything around us drowning as I lean forward and snatch his lips in mine, 5 pure seconds of bliss passed before he pushed me back.

"How about we resume this once your better huh? Maybe I can explore your body too" he jokes as I feel more air leave my body "shit! Why would I say that to ya!" He mentally smack himself as we hear the all familiar sound of a pair of running running shoes approaching from the distance.

🎶'Cause I'm sold on what your love means to me
Forces of nature takin' my breath away
You make me wanna say

Your touch is magnetic
'Cause I can't forget it
(There's a power pullin' me back to you)
And baby I'll let it
'Cause you're so magnetic, I get it
(When I'm waking up with you, oh)🎶

"Better?" Atsumu questions from his seat beside me as I feel the air enter my lungs once again "much better, thank you" I smile sweetly and pat his shoulder as he ruffles my hair "apologise to your land lady though for me, I think I scared her shitless" he jokes as we all laugh and I relax into Osamu's embrace the start of our love story beginning today.

🎶Ay, no coma, I just wanna feel the flama on your body
And perspire like a magma, eh
Baby, I can feel the vibration when you call me so
Let me make a new karma
Lo nuestro es fuego
Answer my questions 'cause I'm getting so loco (Woo, woo)
Don't ask about it
But I can tell you this is all about magnetic, ay

Your touch is magnetic
'Cause I can't forget it
(There's a power pullin' me back to you)
And baby I'll let it
'Cause you're so magnetic, I get it
(When I'm waking up with you, oh)

You know🎶


Song: Magnetic by monsta x and Sebastian yatra

𝙎𝘼𝙑𝘼𝙂𝙀 🎶 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙠𝙮𝙪𝙪 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙑𝙤𝙡.5 Where stories live. Discover now