I think im in Love - Bokuto Koutaro 🎶 PT.1

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🎶 Time's been ticking, hearts are running
Think that Cupid's up to something
You ask me how I feel, I say nothing
But lately colors seems so bright
And the stars light up the night 🎶

"Thank god this is over!" Your voice ringing through the classroom as your legs push themselves away from the small wooden desk and you stand up to have a good old stretch "didn't know my classes were that boring Miss L/N" the teacher smirking at you arms folded across her chest "never Miss T/L/N, you are the most amazing and beautiful teacher to ever grace the planet" the rest of the class laughing as you hand your assessment and stand up to leave "Adios bitc..." Miss looking at you with a groan "adios bitcstes!" As you close the door behind you and start making your way to the volleyball gym.

"HELLO HANDSOME GENTLEMAN!" You shout sliding your shoes of your feet and swapping for your trainers as they all wave at you "a grand entrance as always" Haruki comments as you walk over to him "Hey Y/N!" Bokuto voice making you freeze on the spot as you slowly turn around to his jogging figure walking towards you "hey yourself, everything okay?" You question trying to avoid his eyes as his eyebrows raise in confusion.

"Yeah everything's good, just wondering if you feeling any better after last week?" Your mind flashing back to when you collapsed in the gym. "Oh yeah! I'm okay now, thanks for asking" as he pats your head and gives you a wide smile a red flush crawling up your cheeks fuck you cupids arrow you mentally whine.

🎶 My feet, they feel so light
I'm ignoring all the signs I keep on frontin' Yeah, I stay bluffin'
I keep you wondering
Keep you hunting for my lovin' But I crave us hugging Yeah, I stay stubborn 'Cause I can't admit that you got all the strings And know just how tug 'em 🎶

"Need a shoulder?" Akaashi planting himself next to you and you shake your head "thanks but, I'll be okay" another sniffle escaping me "how could I have been so stupid to think I even had a chance" your wobbly arms pulling you knees closer "I've known you and Bokuto since we were kids and trust me , he feels jsut the same" his words stinging.

"HOW CAN HE! HES DATING HER! HE KISSES ME OUT THE BLUE AND THEN ANNOUNCES THE NEXT DAY HES GOT A GIRLFRIEND!. I FELT LIKE I WAS ON CLOUD NINE AND THAT MAYBE JUST MAYBE HE FELT THE SAME AS ME...but obviously I was wrong, I was the fucking puppet in his play all along" all the emotions you held back finally out in the open.

"Come here" his arms wide open as you wrap myself around him "I'm sorry" his words soft and sweet as you melt into his embrace, a tiny bit of happiness filling your heart wishing you was In the arms of someone else.
Song: I Think I'm in love by Kat Dahlia

𝙎𝘼𝙑𝘼𝙂𝙀 🎶 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙠𝙮𝙪𝙪 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙑𝙤𝙡.5 Where stories live. Discover now