Suna Rintaro- Haven't met you yet 🎶

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🎶 I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times, that I stopped keeping track
I talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up, then I let myself down

I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought I thought of every possibility🎶

Day 1: Year 2020
"Can I have one Caramel Latte to go please but can I have 5 extra pumps of  Caramel" my voice plain and simple as I quickly glance up at the cashier to make sure she's heard my order "You sure do have a sweet tooth Mr.Rintarō" her voice soft as its accompanied by another sentence her hands busy around the coffe machine "we have another customer who orders it the exact same as you do, maybe its fate" she laughs lightly as a simple mmhm leaves my lips don't believe in such a thing. As I grab my coffee and make my ways towards the exit bumping into someone "sorry" we say at the same time The voice cute and sweet as I continue on.

Day 2: Year 2020

"Enjoy once again Mr.Rinatrō" as she slides the coffe cup over the counter and I nod before quickly turning on my heels and heading towards the door my body crashing into someone "sorry" we both mumble at the same time the voice clearly belonging to a female as I quickly exit the buidling, eyes still locked on the article before me Hold on  a sec my eyes quickly turning back as the sound of the sweet voice from before only for her to disappear into the crowd of people my only glimpse the wave oh her gorgeous silk H/C hair.


Is coffee the key 🔑 to finding your soulmate ❤

🎶 And I know someday that it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet

I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life 🎶

Day 8: Year 2020
"Can I have a Caramel Latte with 5 extra pumps of Caramel" My sentence cut off by an all familiar woman who says the exact same order as me my head drawing itself away from my phone as I lock eyes with the girl who appears to be just as absorbed in her phone as I was.

Her eyes were stunning as her hair cuddled her face and neck, the knitted Blue scarf wrapped around her neck to shield her from the cold snow a long brown fur coat wrapped around her. "Your the door guy?" She questions pointing at me as i nod my head "and you must be the other sweet tooth" as her face turns a shade of red as we both wait for our orders.

"Names Suna Rintaro" as I hold my bare hand out to her as he tiny black gloved one takes mine "Y/N L/N".

Day 12: year 2020
"That's crazy! Please tell me you caught it on video" y/n's eyes beaming with anticipation as I hold the door to the coffee house open for her "of course I did" as I pull my phone out and pass it to her to watch the video "the usual please x2" I tell the kind young lady who I now know as Claire thanks to y/n as she smiles sweetly at me "coming right up".

"Oh my God! Look at her face! She's livid although i would be 2 if I found out my so called husband cheated on me, but still she's crazy" as she places my phone back in my hand our fingers brushing across each other as a red tint creeps across her cheeks. The start of our love story beginning.

🎶And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
Now I can see every possibility

But I know someday that it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet🎶

Day 48: Year 2021
"Let me hold that" as I grab the heavy shopping bags from my heavily pregnant Fiancé "aren't you sweet" y/n smiles placing a kiss to my lips as we make our way into the place that created the beginning of our love. "Good morning you two" Claire smiles as we both smile back "look how big you are now! You must be what?" She questions thinking hard as she takes our usual order "8 and a half months" y/n hands resting a top her rounded belly "jsut wish he would stop kicking me right in the bladder" a whine leaving her lips as I pull her close and kiss her head.

"You two look happy" Claire smiles as she hands us our Caramel lattes "I couldn't be happier" as I plant a kiss on her lips and we wave goodbye to Claire before exiting the buidling.


"Say mum" my daughter turning to look at me from over by the Blenders as I watch the happy couple leave the coffee house "did you have something to do with this?" Her eyebrows raised in suspiciously as I shake my head "why of course not" placing my hand over my chest in shock at her judgement before I quickly wiggle my nose and sneeze gold dust floating out of it.

"OH MY GOD! YOU PUT A LOVE CHANT ON THEM DIDNT YOU!" Her eyes bold with shock as a laugh escapes me "maybe I did maybe I didn't, a witch never reveals her secrets".

🎶 They say all's fair
In love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united

Oh, you know that it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
Hey, and I promise you, kid, that I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet 🎶

Song: haven't met you yet by Michael buble

𝙎𝘼𝙑𝘼𝙂𝙀 🎶 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙠𝙮𝙪𝙪 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙑𝙤𝙡.5 Where stories live. Discover now