Part 3

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Another part out for you guys, I really enjoy writing for this one.

Today I didn't wake up as late and I had managed to meet Miya by the bus stop. "Hey Miya, what ya looking at?" I ask noticing his focused expression on his phone.

"These are the results of what happened yesterday at S, right after we left." Miya says showing me his twitter feed.

"Wait so that means that the rookie who was with Reki beat shadow?" I ask in pure shock.

"Yup and ADAM wants wants me to race him. Do you know where we can find him and challenge him to a beef?" Miya says looking up from his phone.

I nod my head. "Yup I know exactly where they'll be. Reki works at Dope Sketch, the skate shop down that side street; him and the rookie should be there after school."

"Perfect, we'll go there after school and challenge him to a beef, then we can do whatever." Miya says.

"HEADS UP." A voice shouts.

I turn and move a little out of the way while Miya jumps on the back of his board and catches the baseball heading our way.

"Huh a rookie, Y/n my dear and only friend this; should be interesting." Miya says looking down at me.

I smile back up at him. "Hell yea."

The bus had gotten to the stop and we got on, heading towards the back. We sat down next to each other and me being tired from the night before was about to fall asleep. I kept trying to stop myself but Miya noticed.

"Here just fall asleep, I know you're tired." He says placing my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks Miya."

I had only been able to sleep for like 10 minutes on the bus before Miya shook me awake. We walk off the bus and walk quietly the rest of the way to school. We stopped talking about S due to it being forbidden. We sat down in homeroom and when the teacher walked in was when I started to zone out.

I had started wondering if that rookie would even accept the challenge. Then my mind started to wonder to Miya. We've been friends since we were 7, around the age he started getting famous. We immediately clicked but at one point he tried to push me away saying that I was just gonna leave in the end anyway. But I knew that there was no chance of me leaving him. I couldn't and I don't want too.

He makes me feel safe.

I feel someone shake me out of my thoughts by touching my shoulder. I look up to see Miya. "Y/n, class is over. Did you zone out again?" he sighs.

"Maybe, you'll let me borrow your notes right?" I ask.

"Yea sure, but come on lets go." He said holding his hand out for me to take. I take his hand without a second thought and we walk quietly to the skate shop. Miya's face held a smirking expression. I knew where this was about to go.

"So Miya what's the plan?" I say catching his attention.

"Simple, we go in, do a little talking and come straight out with it." he says.

"I guess that could work," I say shrugging my shoulders.

We got to Dope Sketch and Miya lead me inside. " Welcome to- no way." The shop owner cuts himself off.

I see Reki look surprised. "Japanese National hopeful Miya Chinen?"

"There you are, I wanna run a beef against you in S." Miya says flatly. Wowww so much for taking to them first.

"I mean thats so random but ok." Reki says putting his hands behind his head and smiling like an idiot. Poor Reki.

"I wasn't talking to you, slime." Miya says walking past him.

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