Part 25

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He continuously fell. I could feel my heart drop. Langa looked dead. I might've only exchanged a few words with the Canadian boy but I still considered him my friend.

Miya hugged me, not to comfort me. But seemingly in fear.

Langa reached out for his board and began skidding down the cliff on it. The ride looked rough and terrifying. But the screen showed his face holding a smile.

Simply unpredictable.

Langa went back on the course, and that's when ADAM began losing his mind even more than he already had.

ADAM and Langa begun getting closer to each other. They were having a conversation that with each word, ADAM became angrier.

Then ADAM swung. He swung himself off the course and back around to face Langa's back.

"Lanag look out!!" Miya and I both shouted.

Langa countered ADAM's attack with his own board. That's how they both ended skidding across the ground, up falling onto their faces. They weren't moving.

Miya began shaking and went to run off, still holding me, but Reki stopped him.

"Hold up."

"But Langa isn't moving." Miya panicked. He doesn't show it much but he does care.

"He'll get up."


"He will." Reki said firmly.

Then they both began trying to get up.

Langa was the first to stand as he held out his board towards ADAM. My mind was racing, there were so many places that this could go. ADAM's weird bone mask fell off as he grabbed his board. They were resuming the beef.

The continued to race side by side on the dangerous rock cliff.

"Those guys are on a whole different level." Shadow muttered.

"Those two are way too reckless." Miya said.

"Reckless but good." I reply.

"Don't get any ideas." Miya said looking at me.

"He looks like he's having a lot of fun." Reki's eyes were sparkling.

The rounded the corner still neck and neck, anyone could've won at this point.  They both kept trying to race ahead.

They gained up on the grave marker and...

Langa had managed to get ahead first. he had won. The crowd had went berserk. Miya was still hugging me from behind and I could feel him sigh a breath of relief. The legend ADAM was defeated.

Langa had went in too fast and clashed into Reki, but more as a hug.

I had released myself from Miya's grip but still kept hold of his hand. We began walking towards Reki and Langa.

"Jeez." Shadow said from his wheel chair.

"You really did it." Joe said. "You really are something."

"You beat us to it." Cherry smiles.

"That was awesome." I say a bit star struck.

"I'll call you the hero just for today." Miya gave off a genuine smile. To think he used to call Langa a slime.

Then Shadow began screaming about drinking a lot tonight. As he went to tackle Langa.

Along with the rest of us.

We tackled Langa into a hug.

Miya and I gave off mischievous smirks as we dove towards him.

He had beat the champion.

Time Skip

The next day at Dope Sketch all of us were celebrating with a BBQ.

Joe was mainly the one cooking, good for us because he was an amazing cook.

"You know, I wonder what will happen with S now that ADAM was defeated?" I question.

"Maybe he'll pass his thrown down." Shadow suggested.

"Or he'll keep it and be persistently annoying." Joe said.

"I hope he'll get arrested." I smiled.

Miya nodded his head in agreement. The others gave me a blank look but you could tell that it was the most hopeful option.

Cherry set Carla down to eat and sketchy decided to lay down on the A.I.

Miya's face grew a smirk. "Hey Cherry, can I skate on Carla?" He questioned.


"Please." Miya began begging and holding onto Cherry's waist. "Mom... please?"

"I am not your mother boy!"

"You could be." I say nonchalantly.

"Y/n get your boyfriend off of me." Cherry glared.

I blushed a bit but I complied not wanting to deal with Cherry's scolding.

I pulled Miya by the waist off of Cherry. The sound of helicopter blades were heard as all of us looked above.

A helicopter with the word 'L O V E' a crossed the bottom.


Miya and I made a run for it. We went down the streets through traffic and alleyways. I jumped over a few small street objects with Miya following safely beside me.

"You're reckless you know that?" Miya said.

"Yeah but you love me."

"Yes. Yes I do."

Hahahaha sorry if this felt rushed. But this is the final episode and chapter of Sk8er boi
This has been an amazing ride for me and was my favorite story to write for, I thank you all for being such lovely readers especially for putting up with my inconstant update schedule. It's been amazing :) thank you guys.

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