Part 6

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When Miya and I left the burger place we went skating on the backstreets. We ended up racing a few times, each one ending in a draw.

I end up falling over laughing in the street at one point. Miya fell into place next to me and looked my way.

"It's been a while since we've done this." He giggles.

"Yeah I know, we need to do this every once in a while. Both of us have been caught up with this whole ADAM thing to have fun together." I say looking a little solemn

"Don't be sad Hero." He gives me a soft smile using one of my nicknames

This made me grin as I sat up and moved to Miya to hug him. He hugs me back and we stay like that for a while before we had to go back home.

"Night Y/n." He drops me off at my door.

✿ Time Skip ✿ Within the next week

It was now the day of Reki's beef with ADAM. We had trained him non stop and Reki was slowly improving.

Yet it still wouldn't be enough to defeat ADAM. Is there even a way to beat him? I wonder.

Miya had snapped me out of my trance by grabbing my hand. His eyes held a look of concern. "Y/n, you're zoning out again. Are you ok?"

"Oh yeah, just thinking." I smiled. "I want a slushie."

"We can get you a slushie after school at the convenience store. I promise." He says intertwining our fingers.

My heart flutters at his actions. It was like all the worries around me disappeared. My expression was replaced with one of excitement.

"Yayyy Miya you're the best." I lean up and kiss his cheek.

The bell for school rang and the day went on like any other. Some girls would glare at me jealous while others would just ignore me. I didn't really care though.

I've always had jealous stares thrown my way due to me being close to the famous Miya Chinen. Then the fact that Miya was cute and they would get jealous that they weren't in my place.

Miya hadn't let go of my hand yet and that caused some of the stares to become more intense. And this would be kept up the whole day. I could tell because when Miya was nervous about something he would tend to cling to me and I let him.

When we got to our lockers he was forced to release my hand but quickly her put it on the small of my back. We heard a girlish voice from behind us.

"Scuse me but you two need to stop with all the lovey dovey crap." I recognized that voice. Ichigo, she was a year ahead of us and wasn't a good person in general. I hated her. She normally glared at me and once tried to threaten me to stay away from Miya.

I turn around and see her with her boyfriend Kuro. I recognized him due to him being a member at S.

"And you need to stop being so obsessed with me but here we are." I smirk.

She huffed and tried to one up me. "Yeah well Kuro here is an amazing skater and he could probably beat both of you and become a professional." I glance over towards Kuro to see him pinching the bridge of his nose; clearly annoyed by Ichigo.

This was laughable and probably a waste of my time but way too fun to just leave here. This girl annoyed both me and Miya so this was just us try to be more petty then the other.

"1. Do you even see who you're talking too? Miya's been training for years and is going to the national team when he's 18. And I skate too, you're placing bets you can't make and on another persons sake at that, it's lowkey pathetic.

2. No offense to Kuro but he's only tried nailing ollie's and hasn't tried anything else despite having the board for 2 years. If he wants to go professional he needs to take it serious. He also probably does skateboarding as a pass time so I wouldn't place a bet on that.

3. Congrats you struck a nerve so I now challenge Kuro to a beef." I say cracking my neck.

"A wha-?" She asked confused.

"A race." I clarify.

"He accepts and he's so gonna beat you." She twirls her hair.

This girl-

We set our starting lines at the school entrance and the finish line would be the skate park. Miya and Ichigo would just meet us there.

We both counted down from 3 and we were off. I dashed out of the school entrance and slipped through and down some of the backstreets; pulling a few tricks here and there. Going down the backstreets was the key to winning since there were no people there.

It took me 10 minutes to get to the skatepark. New personal record. When I arrived to the finish, Miya was already there holding a (f/f) slushie in his hand. Along with it was Ichigo with her jaw dropped.

"Yayyyy Miya you remembered!" I excitedly take the drink out of his hand.

A few moments later Kuro showed up and looked at me. His face showed that he wasn't surprised. "Mhmmm you have a similar take off to a famous skater in the community named ghøst. You know her?"

I froze. ghøst was my Alias at S and I tended to keep my real identity on the DL outside of S for personal reasons. "Yeah I know her."

"Figured you did. Your style is very similar to hers." He compliments. "Anyways you won, what do you want as a reward?" He asked fairly.

"Uhhh maybe just get your girlfriend to stop with the glaring, it's annoying." I say.

"Yea sure." He responds

"Wait a minute." Ichigo had snapped out of her trance. "Why does she get something? I mean if she wasn't being so lovey with Chinen in the hallway then none of this wouldn't have happened."

"Says you. You glare at her everyday and have been since the start just for her being by my side. Just admit that despite having a probably decent boyfriend you're still jealous of her and wanna be her because she's close to me." Miya interrupts wrapping his arm tightly around my waist.

Ichigo then once again looked defeated and shocked.

I giggle a little. I was impressed by Miya once again. "Come on Y/n we have to go meet up with the old man." He says leading me away.

I couldn't be more proud.

Yea sorry. This was a filler too, but I promise that the next one is going to be reki and a*ams beef. Once again I am so so so sos osos os so sorry for taking a break and not saying a word.

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