Part 23

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There is a somewhat important announcement at the end of this chapter :)

"Miya!" My voice rang through the house as I began to cook lunch.

Miya's head popped up from the couch, his hands still grasping his gaming console. "Do you need something?"

"What do you want for lunch?" I ask.

"Ramen is fine, do you want help?"

"Oh- sure, do you mind cutting some ingredients for me?" I ask sweetly. "And can you turn on the TV for background noise?"

"On it."

The TV turns onto a live channel. It was streaming a bunch of old concerts of different music genres. The next song to play was an old one, it was slow and by my guess from the 50's or 60's.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and Miya was holding out his hand.

"Care to dance love?"

I smile and grasp his hand. This dork. "It would be an honor."

We begun dancing, the world seemed to stop and disappear in between the sounds of the orchestra.

The best of the bass drums aligned with our footsteps. The music leading us both away.

The starts of the chorus lead to Miya twirling me around. There was nothing that could top this. I felt like I was on top the galaxy.

A violin solo started to roll in as the other instruments ceased playing.

His emerald eyes

His ebony hair

The way his hands fit perfectly in mine.

"I love you...y/n." He whispered as the solo begun to end.

"I love you too Miya." I replied subconsciously. It may have just slipped out but I meant every word.

The song finished out and Miya kissed me. I kissed back and cup his cheek. I noticed a lot about Miya from the time I met him.

He was always a lot kinder to me then he was to others. I could tell when he was nervous and when he meant well. I could also tell that he is a gentle person.

I don't know what I did to deserve him if I'm being honest.

He pulled away and said, "hey I remembered I have something to do, I'll see you tonight as S."

"What about lunch?" I question.

"Rain check? Bye love." His kisses my cheek, grabbed his bag and walked out the door.

"Oh- ok bye." I mutter.

He was so strange sometimes

Miya POV

I'm happy. She loves me.

I place my board down on the sidewalk and I skated away from her house. I'm happy, but I'm also confused.

Where do I go from here?

I need advice and I knew exactly who I had to go to.

The palm trees aligning the sidewalk and the ocean line as I made my way through the not so busy streets.

I arrive at a familiar restaurant on the corner of the next street.

Joe's restaurant. If anyone could help me then I figured at least he could.

I entered the restaurant that only had a few costumers and Cherry.

"Welcome to- Oh Miya it's you. How can I help you?" Joe asked with a smile.

"Well, I need advice." I mumble.

After explaining a bit, Joe and Cherry seemed to get the point.

"Ahhh so you basically need ideas?"

I blush a bit. "Not only that, I need to know what do I do? How does a relationship work?"

"Well that's simple." Cherry holds his fan up to his face. "You simply move forward. You go on with life and live everyday like normal. You see her and talk to her and everything falls into place. It always does. You have to trust yourself to not screw up."

"As much as I hate to agree, Kaoru is right. Also if you need help on dates then you either stick to sentimental or you do basic. You can never go wrong." Joe shrugs.

"Thank you. I'm surprised that you too managed to not argue for once." I say.

"AS IF!" They shout.

Annnddd they're back. I decided to take my leave and head home for a bit.

Move forward huh? I guess that's simple enough. He's right. That is how life works, besides what we have now isn't that much different then when we were friends. I just need to apply is being together to our friendship.

Ok somewhat important announcement-

As some of you are reading this I am working on another Miya Chinen x Reader story.

It's a titanic AU where both of them are aboard the Titanic. It's not exactly gonna be like the movie titanic but I am using it as a reference.

I'm currently working on the first draft and if some of you are interested then I will give a release date when I have that settled out

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