Part 16

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Hiya, i is back.

Chapter start

Miya POV

I leaned in to kiss her cheek but instead I ended up kissing the corner of her lips.

I didn't pull away immediately, the kiss lasted a few more seconds.

When I did pull away though her face was glowing crimson. 

"Miya..." I hear her say before she leaned her head in my shoulder. I look down and see that she was hiding her face in my hoodie.

"S-sorry." I stutter.

"Don't apologize Miya. Thank you." She smiles up at at me.


"Miya. Shut up." She giggled.


Miya laid his head down on top of mine as we started talking again.

"You heard about ADAM's announcement right?" Miya questioned.

"Yea, it's tomorrow. Apparently it's big news to all of the S community. Are we going?"

"Most likely, as much as we both hate ADAM; I'm curious about what he has to say."

"Definitely." I say.

"Y/n, it's almost 2:30 am we should probably head home." Miya suggest.

"You're right, but hey can I stay at your place? It's closer and I'm really tired."

"I- what about your mom?" Miya asked.

"I'll explain in the morning." I wave off.

"Fine, grab your skateboard." Miya said getting up.

"Yay, thanks Miyaaaaa <3"

We head back towards the foot of the hill and Miya said we should just walk because we were both too tired to ride.

While we were walking I decided to latch onto Miya's hand again. His hands were always so soft and they felt cold.

We kept chatting idly about random things when we got to his street. His parents were most likely asleep and wouldn't notice I was there until the morning.

"We can climb through the window again." I suggest.

"Why can't we use the front door like a normal person?!" Miya complains.

"Walking through the front door like a normal person is overrated." I state.

Miya sighs and shakes his head as he gave me a boost up to his window.

Once inside, Miya gave me some of his extra clothes for pajamas and I got changed in the bathroom.

When I was getting out I saw he was about to climb into bed when I stopped him.

"Wait Miya." I say and walk towards him. He looked confused as I drew closer.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss the corner of his lips like he did mine earlier. I held the kiss longer then his was and he seemed way more flustered then normal.

"Payback for earlier~" I smirk and crawled into the bed while he was left standing there in shock.

Hahaha this chapter sucked

@Miyas face after Y/n kissed the corner  of his lips

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@Miyas face after Y/n kissed the corner  of his lips

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