Part 1

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Hiya, some of you may know me from my Kenma x reader fanfic "The manager" but I decided to write this for fun and a little warning; I do not skateboard.

Btw all of this is in Y/ns POV unless said so

Carrying on:

It was a little bit past 10pm when I got bored and realized that I had a test tomorrow. I grab my skateboard and start riding around; nothing too interesting was happening at S tonight so I wasn't gonna go.

After a while I got the urge to bother my best friend and pretty much professional skateboarder, Miya.

I got to his house and climbed to his window. I peered inside and see Miya at his desk writing something down.

I try getting his attention by waving my hand to see if he noticed my shadow; when that failed I simply just knocked on his window.

He turns around immediately and shakes his head before opening the window to let me inside.

"Y/n it's 10:30 at night, we have a test tomorrow. What are you doing here?" He says pinching the bridge of his nose."

"About that- look I got bored and I figured you'd still be up studying and that maybe....."

"Spit it out y/n."

"Can you help me study? Please?" I ask giving him puppy dog eyes.

"I hate you sometimes but you know I can't say no to you." He sighs

"Yayyy thank you Miya; and you know you love me." I smile.

Just when I was finally getting the material, Miya was drifting off. "Thanks Miya but I think I'm good now. Go get some sleep."

He nodded slightly and I climbed back down the window. Miya sleepily waved me off and I was in my way.

I passed out as soon as my head hit my pillow. I did wake up a little late but I still managed to make it to school on time.

I'm normally quiet in school, average grades and I only had one friend but I like it this way. That's why it was weird that I kept feeling someone stare at me.

I did my best to ignore it until lunch time. But the feeling never left me; not even during the test. Miya had apparently noticed that something was off.

When we got to the rooftop he immediately questioned me.

"Y/n, you good? You've been off all day, don't make me start calling you a slime."

"I'm fine, but I've been having the feeling that I'm being stared at." I say

"Oh that, yeah Haru Hinazuki. He's been staring at you non stop all day. He goes to S all the time." Miya answered.

"You don't think he recognized me do you? You know I like to keep my skating life on the DL." I say with a hint of nervousness in my voice.

"Nah, that slime can't put 2 and 2 together that easily. At most I'd say he only slightly recognizes." Miya reassured me.

"You're probably right; speaking of which; are you going to S tonight?"

"Probably, I wasn't gonna have a beef with anyone though." Miya says.

"So hide in the shadows like normal?" I ask

"Pretty much." He replies. "I'll come get you at 7 so we can go."

"Sounds good to me."

The bell rang and we head off of the rooftop. "Hey
Y/n I have to go get something from my locker, go  ahead to class."

"Oh ok, sure. See you in class." I say walking off.

Miya POV

"Yeah I know I lied to y/n but this is also technically helping her." I say to myself as I round the corner.

I see Hinazuki and walk over to him. "Oi slime, any reason why you were staring at y/n all day?"

"Yeahhh she seems familiar like I've seen her somewhere before, but I can't put my finger on it." He said a little confused.

I knew that I could easily trick him and throw him off. "You're probably thinking of someone else because as far as I'm concerned; you two have never interacted"

"So true, sorry for staring at your girlfriend though." He said walking off.

Wait- my what?!


After lunch the staring seemed to stop and the feeling went away. That and I got an A on my test; thank you Miya.

After class Miya ditched me to go practice a new trick so I decided to go to the Skate shop.

I head down the side street it was in and see Reki; one of the shop workers, talking to some blue haired kid.

"Hey Reki whose this?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Oh ghøst what's up? And this is Langa he just transferred over from Canada."

I walk over to him and slap his head. "What have I told you about using my Skating Alias outside of S?"
(Y/n has the skating alias ghøst at S to hide who she actually is)

"Right right, sorry." He apologized

"Anyway, nice to meet you Langa. Oh and Reki did you guys get that shipment of stickers I ordered?" I asked.

"Yeah they're inside, just go talk to the shop owner." He replies.

I go inside and get the stickers and before I head off I shout to Reki. "Good luck with the rookie."

I go back home and put some of the stickers on the board.

Before I knew it, it was 7 and Miya was here to picks me up. I put on a black mask and the Outfit I normally wear to S.

I grabbed my skateboard and we sped off to the abandoned mine. He were riding side by side and we sort of matched.

"Hey Miya let's go get snow cones after this." I say over to him.

"Sure why not." He says quickly. "Come on let's pick up speed, we're almost at the gate."

We increased speed and went to our usual watching spot. Nothing too interesting seemed to be happening; except for maybe shadow harassing the rookies. Nothing too note worthy until Reki showed up with the blue haired kid.

This should be interesting.

Yayyyy another fanfic I'm working onnn. I'm honestly excited to start something new again, the next chapter should be out soon. Thanks for reading

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