Part 8

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Back againnnnnnnn. Im typing this in the middle of civics and through out math class so wish me luck

"REKI!" All of us shouted. I released myself from Miya's grip and bolted towards where Reki was lying. Langa had done the same.

From the looks of it Reki had hit his head pretty hard, he might even have a concussion.

We get to where Reki was and he had a tiny pool of blood under his head. "Langa, give Reki some elevation and try to put pressure on the wound." I point out trying to be calm.

Langa nodded his head and pulled Reki's onto his lap. He covered the wound with a spare hoodie.

Shadow was pulling up in his car along with Miya. They both hop out and they carry him carefully to the car. Miya and I had agreed to let Langa sit in the front seat and we would just meet them at the hospital.

Shadow had sped off and we were trying to keep up behind him; which failed. "Y/n, come on the backstreets will get us there faster." He points out.

I comply and followed Miya down the streets. The illuminating glow of the hospital lights were just ahead of us. We saw Shadow's car already parked out front and we kicked up our skate boards and headed inside.

"How's he doing?" We both said quickly, a little bit out of breath.

"He's in recovery." Shadow says. His hood was now up not wanting himself to be seen.

I sigh and plop myself down on one of the benches, Miya falling into place next to me.

I was tired. It was 1:30 am and honestly the last place I wanted to be right now was in a hospital. I hardly got ant sleep last night just by worrying about the race itself.

I shift my body so that I was laying down. "Miya, I'm using your lap as my pillow. Lemme know when Reki is out." I mumble.

He seemed to understand what I had said though because he ruffled my hair and then I was out.

In my mind memories were playing through. One caught my eye though. My most important and generally my favorite one.

How Miya and I met and became friends.


I had just moved to Okinawa from Hyogo due to my mom getting a job transfer.

I didn't have friends here and originally I wasn't planning on making any...until I accidentally ran into someone with my skateboard.

He seemed to be my age and since we were both on skateboards it was like hell on the ankles.

"Owww, watch were you're going slime." He had said to me. I remember looking up and seeing a young boy with jet black hair and emerald green eyes.

Behind him was 2 other boys our age. I assume they were his friends. I snapped out of it when I thought about what he called me.

"Scuse me? I know you didn't just call me a slime ya bonehead." I shot back. He was taken by surprise when I had said it. No one expects a 7 year old to talk back much.

"Also why'd you say to watch where I was going? You're clearly the one at fault here. Not my problem you can't skate in a straight line." I spoke up once more.

The boy then grumbled something under his breath before pointing at me. "RACE ME!" He blurted out.

"Uhhhhhh ok?" I said a little confused.

"We'll start at the corner of the street and go down towards the trees." He clarified.

"Got it." I nodded my head a little.

We both lined up and he asked what the bet would be.

"I'll decide when the time comes." I reply.

"Fine then but if I win then you have to become my servant and take back what you said." He smirked.

"Fine by me."





Both of us had sped off. Our speeds matching all the way through. He had looked throughly impressed.

In the end we had tied.

"Wha-?" He asked confused. "How did you do that?"

"I've been skating for 2 years now." I reply with.

"Well then what do we both get?" He asked once more.

"Well how about we compromise? You wanted me to become your underling or whatever and I was thinking a truce so lets just be friends." I say.

"I mean, I guess you aren't a total slime... Deal." He had finally agreed.

"Cool, I'm Y/n L/n and I just moved here from Hyogo." I greeted in a nicer tone then before.

"Miya, Miya Chinen."

End of Dream

Miya's POV When Y/n fell asleep

This made me smile a little to myself. She had finally given herself a break.

I start subconsciously playing with her hair and I hear Shadow mutter something along the lines of "Stupid 14 year olds having a better love life then me."

I look back down towards Y/n as we waited for what felt like an eternity.

HAHAHAAH my math teacher almost caught me- OH WEELLLLL totally not spiralling due to a migraine. Anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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