Part 20

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✿ Y/N POV ✿

Tonight was the night of the main tournament. All of us were waiting for ADAM to make another appearance.

I hadn't yet seen Miya but for a second I was sure I saw Reki. I could just be overthinking things though.

The lights cut off and fire crackers explode in the center of the platform. Then ADAM appeared.

"Hey bitches, bros and non-binary hoes!"

Well at least he isn't homophobic. That's the only good thing I could say about him.

"As of now I would like to determine the one human who loves skating the most and is loved by the gods of skateboarding!"

Woah, overdramatic much? Ew.

Then with a clap, names and photos were brought onto the projector. How'd he even get those?

In order it went from:

Snow (Langa)
Cherry Blossom

A box was raised onto the stage with what I was assuming to have ballots in it.

"Well now, lets get on with it. The first challenger...ghøst and her opponent... SNAKE!"

I froze. Shit. I've hardly ever seen him skate before. Something isn't right with this, why does it seem planned?"

I guess that it was settled, I'm racing SNAKE.

The bright vibrant green lights flashed and both of us were off at dangerous speeds. We were neck and neck.

If I had any chance of beating him then I would have to cut him off at the narrow passage way. I do a standard rail slide around the corners to gain speed but I couldn't loose him.

He remained next to me the entire time.

"I'm so sorry but I have to do this to get through to Mr. Ainosuke."

"What?" He then grabbed my wrist and flung me from my board into the wall. The impact made it hard for me to breathe and caused me to cough up a little blood. The crowd went silent except for one person.

"Y/N!" The familiar voice shouts.


He ran and slid down next to me. He had tears rolling down his face. "You were reckless again." He chokes out in between sobs.

Miya picks me up bridal style and carries me off the tracks. I had lost.

Miya sits me down in a corner and helps me sit up. "Where does it hurt?"

"My head and my ribs." I say.

After hearing this Miya asked Cherry if he could borrow Carla to do a medical scan.

"No broken bones detected. Minor injuries occurring." Carla spoke.

"I'll be fine Miya, it's fine. Thank you for caring."

"No. It's not fine. I'm really sorry, I tried pushing you away again because I was scared. I hurt you when I didn't mean to. Y/n the truth is, is that I love you. Like actually love you and it hurt me to think I would ever loose you." Miya admits.

He... loves me?

"Miya... you love me?"

"Yes, I really do. I don't want it to ruin our friendship." He says.

"Miya, I wanna ruin our friendship because I love you too." I say and I kiss his cheek.

His cheeks flush red as he hugs me. "I'm so glad we made up. I missed you." I feel his tears leak through the fabric of my shirt.

"Me too Miya." I say and I kiss him. On the lips.

guys, i cant believe i go back to school tomorrow, im in my second to last year of highschool like damnnn. also i like how i told my boss when i start school yet the day before school she schedules me to work from 4pm-11:30pm like what kind bs is she on-

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