Part 4

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Back again with another chapter. Isnt Miya adorable.

"Later." I say skating off from Reki and Langa.

Miya was still clutching onto my hand. One thing I noticed was that when I said later to Reki and Langa, his grip had tightened.

"Miya? Are you ok?" I ask

"Why do you associate with those slimes?" he had asked me.

Then it clicked. "Miya, are you jealous?" I ask going a little ahead of him to see his face.

It had flushed red. "N-NO!" he shouted.

"Miyaaaaa." I say dragging out his name.

"Maybe a little." He mumbles under his breath.

"You have no reason to be jealous, I already told you that I wasn't leaving and that you're always gonna be my #1 person." I reassure him.

"But still, you're a hero with me and those two are slimes at best." Miya completely shrugs off the subject.

I laugh a little and hop off my board, as we were already at my house. I kissed Miya's cheek and said "I'll see you later Miya."

Time skip - At S-

" I heard the rookies going against Miya."

"You mean the duct tape kid? If he's up against Miya there's no way he's gonna make it."

I kept hearing the crowd murmur the same things. Miya was already waiting at the starting line with Langa. The strange thing was...Langa didn't have a board.

Shadow had also managed to push his way through the crowd; shouting like always.

"Hey Shadow, mind keeping quiet, I wanna hear what they're saying."

"I'm so beyond disgusted that I can't laugh. Are you mocking me?" Miya says with a ton of distaste.

"I didn't forget. It's being made right now." Langa replies calmly.

"Huh?" Miya says changing his tone to anger.

Honestly right now I couldn't tell what Miya was thinking. I normally could read him fairly well but he's been off since we got here. I was a little worried, and Shadow had unfortunately noticed.

"Hey kid, you're acting different, less snarky."

"Yeah well I'm just a little worried ya know." I say nervously.

"You care about Miya that much?"

"Of course I do, he makes me feel safe."

Shadow gave me a confused look. "Wait a minute.... do you love him?"

I pause for a minute. Did I? There was definitely a possibility. "I guess I never really thought of that... Maybe I do." I say under my breath.

Reki had then ran past us with a skateboard in hand. "Sorry that I'm late. This is your board. Go skate to your hearts content!"

"Using that for the first time on your actual challenge? Power of friendship? How embarrassing." Miya chides.

I wasn't bothered by what he said. He's told me before that anytime he talks about friendship and how unimportant they are, I'm his only exception.

"I've decided what to wager. If I win... you'll become my dog!" Miya points towards Reki.

"DOG?! WHY ME?" Reki had shouted.

"And in the unlikely event that I loose, I'll become a dog or cat or whatever." Miya brushes Reki off again. "What a shame, you'll watch your friend become a dog."

Langa once again stayed silent, Miya turns and waits for each light to turn red. The moments leading up seemed to last a life time. The light then flashed green and they were off. Shadow had disappeared from my side. I look only to see him in a car. I follow my eyes to Reki jumping in the front seat and I went to follow. I hopped in the back.

"Gahhhh not another one." Shadow shouts.

"Drive old man." I say pointing after Miya and Langa.

"IM ONLY 24!"

Miya was in the lead, unsurprisingly. They turn one of the corners and Miya flips his board and does a rail slide. Langa had seemed to switch his gears and started to pull some snowboarding moves. Interesting.

They made it to the factory and Miya wasn't letting Langa pass him. The trick Langa pulled on Shadow was also way to dangerous to pull off at the speed that they were going.

They come up on the rail and I see Miya stop. He actually hesitated?

Shadow had stopped his car and I jumped out and rushed to the finish to see who was gonna win.


It was too late, Langa was already successfully riding the rail. This made Miya more determined to win.

They jumped from the railing and crossed the finish.

Miya had lost. I felt my heart drop. His head was down and he was clenching his fist.

I run towards him and tackle him into a hug. "I.... lost." He mumbles.

"I'm still really proud of you Miya." I say hugging him closer.

Reki had approached us. "I can tell you why you lost."

"What?" Miya says bitterly before letting me go.

"Skating is something you have fun doing." Reki responded.

Miya gave a solumn look before saying "It was fun... but then everyone disappeared."

I take my chance and slap the back of his head, right before Reki flicks his forehead.

"What the hell?"

"I didn't disappear." I say looking at him in the eye.

"Are you a dumbass? Not everyone disappeared from you. Look at Y/n, isn't she always by your side? Were not gonna leave you." Reki smiles.

Miyas eyes water and I latched onto his side. Though our moment was shortly interrupted by a man we both recognized as Adam. Miya had pushed me behind his back as to protect me.

"Miya, you're all empty. All of your friends have left you and you are no longer having fun." Adam smirked.

This had angered me. "Shut up." I say in a dark tone, stepping out from behind Miya.

"What was that?" Adam peered over to me.

"I said shut up. Miya isn't empty."

"Y/n stop its not worth it." Miya tells me.

I turn around to face him. My expression held one of anger. "I'm sorry Miya but no way in hell. If you think I'm gonna let walmart Hisoka degrade you while I do nothing then you've lost your mind."

"Yea apologize to him." Reki says stepping in front of me.

"Oh? And if I don't?" Adam asked smugly.

"Then I'll make you." Reki replies.

Lmaoooo I typed a majority of this out in math class because the teacher bores me.

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