and so, they meet...again

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woo connecting chapter titles??

"Is this the special guest Wilbur? Seems like he was in a hurry" A voice breaks through George's computer speakers.
"haha yeah sorry about that guys; I got caught up visiting an old place" George responds

George knew that Wilburs plan for this podcast was to see if this so-called guest was his friend he left in the dust.
Clay though? he had no idea.

"Okay, Okay so today it's just us three plus Minx because she wouldn't not let me have her join" Wilbur says
"Hey listen here if anything good happens I want to know" She responds
"if any good thing happens huh?" Clay asks "What good thing would happen?"

George's pov

It didn't sound like him at all.
Maybe it was the lack of an accent...but then again if he moved away to America for a while it would disappear wouldn't it....

"sooo what's the topic dear Wil" Minx's sarcastic tone cuts through the speaker on my computer.
"Great question Minx, actually I wanted to have cl- dream talk about that kid you met before...?"

third person

"oh...why though?" Clay asks
"Well actually my friend George here had a similar situation like yours..maybe he could sympathize."

On the call, the air was warm.
There wasn't an awkwardness between anyone, just four people sitting behind some microphones chatting.

"oh really?? You've had something like this happen?" Clay says
"Well..." Finally George starts to speak "Yeah it has, it was a long while ago though. Ive tried to get over it but I guess it just stuck with me..Gosh that sounded weird"

"no, no I get it it's the same thing that happens to me..It's like that feeling of wanting to let go but there's strings attached that pull you back?"
George goes quiet "..yeah exactly like that"

George's voice had a whisper of nostalgia behind it, something g about it sounded so familiar to Clay but he couldn't pin point what it was. He hung onto every word he said, almost like he was hoping or expecting something, but what that was he couldn't put into words.

"well damn you guys got along quite quick" Minx's Irish accent boomed through the microphone startling a wheeze like laugh from Clay.

what.... George thought to himself

"Do you always laugh like that....?" George asked a bit quieter than before
"oh..." he starts to stop laughing "yeah I've always laughed like that..annoying right-"
"NO ITS- no it's not annoying......" George states

"I need to know....that laugh....its."George thinks
here goes nothing...

"Hey can I ask a question...?" George asks
"Yeah of course what is it?" Clay replies
"uhmm did you perhaps live by the woods when you were younger?"

"WHAT KIND OF QUESTION-" Wilbur shouts through the mic
"Yeah I did...Actually there was this really cool spot me and my old friend used to hangout, the one I talked about before" Clay replied

deep breaths George mouthed

"and what...what was that spot" George questioned
"Oh! It was a treehouse we-"

George gasped loudly enough that it traveled through the call.

"Whats wrong???" Wilbur asked
"nothing...well...something. I need to go you guys thanks for having me! Bye!"

George leaves the call right after cutting off the questions they were about to ask.

George's pov

...holy hell.

I pushed my chair back and stomped into the kitchen and from there walked through the door leading into the backyard.
The cold breeze went straight through my sweatshirt leaving me shivering, and my breath showing up as a mist in the air.

"why did I even ask that...." I say under my breath

I thought I wasn't going to have to confront this. I thought I would leave it be and not worry about it. Do I miss him? Of course I do everyday...I just wish I didn't fuck up...
Goddamnit why did I even leave the call?!

"Everyone's scared of something, whether that be the dark or spiders. But maybe it's deeper down. Maybe, you George, are scared of facing the truth?"
My mother's voice flew through my head.

"Facing what truth...?" I mutter and sit my head in my hands "what so-called truth am I leaving out of my mind.."

My phone buzzed next to me, a notification from Wilbur.


from your reaction i'm assuming it's him?
Well...are you completely sure..after how you suddenly gasped and left the call; you don't like him? After all this time..and for you to react like that i'm pretty sure the lingering feelings are still there.
well..what do I know. Please text me later so I know you're alright.

I sit my phone back down and stare at the dark sky above me and the small stars surrounding it.

oh. That truth


hello :) are we feeling😁

word count: 818

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