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Your name is Libby
Your 15

This story is you and josh in school

Today was a big day it was your boyfriends last football game before the end of the were in maths and you are sat next to Josh

J"baby can you come to my game please"

You don't normally go to his game because you don't like seeing him get hurt

Y "baby you know I don't like them"
J "Ik but I got you something"

It's a football shirt that says "Richard 44" in it like joshes

J "do you like it"
Y "I love it"
J "so will you come ?"
Y "ummm yes"
J "omg Thankyou"
Teacher "y/n and Josh stop talking in my lesson"
J "sorry miss"
Y "sorry"

*skip time*

Because you have never went to a football game you didn't know what to wear so you put on some blue jeans and the shirt that Josh gave you with some white Nike Air Force 1s. You did some plain makeup aswell. (You were also going to the game with your friend Lauren who was also picking you up)

While you were waiting for Lauren you got a text from Josh


Have you left yet baby?

No why ?
Can you get me something from Chick fil a before you come ?
Thankyou love you also come
To the changing room when
You get here ❤️
Love you to and ok ❤️

You heard a beep outside and knew it was lauren

Y "mom is leaving now"
M "have a nice time"

You left and got into Lauren's car

L "hey bestie"
Y "hiiii"
L "you ready ?"
Y "can we go to chick fil a ?"
L "omg yesss"

You go to chick fil a and get Josh some fries and yourself a Diet get to your school and go to the changing room like Josh told you see Josh waiting outside with his kit on

J "hey baby"
Y "hi there are you fries"
J "Thankyou"

He kisses you on the lips

... "oh look 44 kissing that fat girl"

You turn around and see Charlie (number 25) on joshs's team

J "oi shut up if you still want to be on tonight cause I can fucking take you off"

(Because josh the captain he can do that,I also don't know anything about football lol)

C "sorry bro"
J "get lost, baby don't listen to him your perfect"
Y "mhmh"

Josh gives you a hug

J "I love you"
Y "love you to"
J "right go sit down I'll be out in a minute"
Y "ok"

You walk to the stands to find Lauren when you see the popular girls walking towards you (Mia,Addison,Sophie)

M "I suggest you stay away from Josh now"
Y "I'm sorry ?"
A "ugh just shut up he doesn't even like you"
Y "um he does but ok"
S "your nothing you yes to good for you anyways"
M "yeh so like give my that shirt and go away"
Y "no your not having it"
A "ugh fat bitch"

Them saying this actually hurt turn around and run back to the changing rooms to find see their coach outside

Coach "oi kid go sit down the game starts in 10 mins"
Y "I'm sorry is Josh there"
C "give me 2 mins"

He walks in and comes back out with Josh

Y "josh can I talk to you"
J "um sure"

You and him go round to corner of the building

J "you ok ?"

You just burst out crying

J "hey hey hey what's happened"
Y "I was walking out to find Lauren and the popular girls came over and said that you don't like me and that your to good for me and they wanted my shirt and called me a fat bitch,I'm just nothing"
J "Libby,look at me"

You don't look at him

G "Libby grace Parker look at me now"

You look up at him with tears in your eyes

J "you are perfect,I don't get why you listen to them you are so much better then you think you are you are the best things that has happend to me"
Y "really ?"
J "yes you are my everything don't listen to them"

Yo get interrupted by Josh's coach's

C "josh man we leaving now come on"
J "yes coach,your walking with me"

Josh grabs your hand

Y "josh i can't do that"
J " i don't care you are getting to your seat ok"
Y "ok"

You and Josh start waking it the pitch when you see Lauren"

L "libby don't do that to me where were you"
Y " it doesn't matter"
J "make sure she get to her seat ok I need to go"
L "ok"

He kisses you on the lips

J "bye baby"
Y "bye I love you"
J "love you more !"

Josh runs of with the rest of his team bad you and lauren start to walk to your seat

L " god I love being single"

You two burst out laughing

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