Taken away

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⚠️There might be a TW ⚠️
And bad language

Your name is Lauren.Josh is your brother.he has moved to la to live with his friends.while you live at home in Canada with your abusive dad.yours and joshes mom died when you were 2.josh knows that your dad abuses you but you can't live with him until your 18.As a surprise josh is coming home to see you.

*back to you pov*

you just got home from school and your dad is high on drugs on the sofa.you go in to the kitchen to get a bottle of water and go upstairs to do your homework.

*skip time to dinner*

You go downstairs to cook yourself some dinner

Your dad-bold

Oi what are you doing
Getting something or eat
Did I say you can have something to eat
Exactly so fuck off
No you fuck off stop fucking taking drugs and actually care about your daughter
Do not ever speak to your father like that
Fuck off

Your dad grabs your wrist starts to hit you when you hear the door open and you see josh standing there

Your dad

Oi what the fuck are you doing to her
Josh please I'm fine
Fuck off son
No you stop,Lauren pack a bag your leaving
No she's not she's staying with me

Your dads grip gets tighter

Ow please get off
Get off your hurting her
No she deserves it do you know the shit she's put me through
That's it

Josh starts to punch your dad until he lets go off your wrist.you run into joshes arm and he gives you the biggest hug

Hurry up,your leaving here for good
No,I can't
I don't care he's abusing you

You run upstairs and pack a few outfit in a bag.you go down stairs and see Bryce and josh say on the sofa


He kiddo
You ready ?
Right let's go

josh has known Bryce since he was a baby.Bryce is like a big brother to you.he is one of the only 2 people that knows your abused.you get into Josh's car and drive to the airport

Why did you come here anyways
Well me and Bryce wanted to see you
So your taking me away
Nope your not coming back
So I'm living at sway

*skip time*

After you,josh,Bryce land in la.you get a car and drive to sway.you get to sway meet everyone have pizza and go to sleep.right now everything is perfect.

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