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This past month your life has been nothing but stress,you still live in your parents home (even tho you are 19) in Canada which is not nice right now as your parents are going through a break up , you are flying between New York ,Canada and la a lot recently as your job (as a model) shoots have been in New York and you fly to la every week to see josh your boyfriend and to add to all of that your bestfriend has recently got into a car crash and died because of a drunk driver and yet the person who has been through it with you is josh.

You are at home currently cuddling with your dog pipa watching tv because the only free time you get really is at night when you gets face time call you call the caller id is "baby 💞"

You press accept and Josh's face comes onto your screen with a big smile

"Hi baby" he says still smiling

"Hi" you said tiredly

"You ok ?" He asks

"Mhm I'm ok" you said thinking about the past events from your best friends funeral today "what did you do ?" You ask trying to change the subject

"Um just filmed stuff with the boys" he said

"Oh was it fun ?" You ask wishing you could be in his arms

"Yeh, I miss you" he says pouting

"I miss you too" pouting back

"Guess what's happing tomorrow" he says smiling

"What ?" You ask wondering what he's going to say

"I'm getting a fight to come see you" he says with the biggest smile

"What !" You say shocked

"Yep" he says

"What time ?" You say smiling back which is weird because you can't remember the last time you smiled

"10 am" he says

"I'm excited" you say

"Me too" he says

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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