Family meal ruined

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Your name- lia
Age 17

Today you and josh were going to your home to have a family meal.You are really anxious about him meeting your parents because every single time there's a family meal there is an argument.All your family all live in the same house including your sister.

You "josh are you sure you want to meet them"
Josh "yeh"
You "you really don't have to"
Josh "no,no I want to"
You "fine"
Josh "baby chill it's ok"
You "no cause you don't know them"
Josh "it will be ok"

Josh had already meet your sibling and your 2 cousins.You arrive to your old childhood home

You "mom ?"
Your mom "ah lilo your here and you are josh ?"
Josh "yeh hi"
You "why don't I show you to my room"
Josh "sure"

You go upstairs to your old room which you used to share with your cousin

Josh "so this is it"
You "yep"
Josh "where my lil lilo grew up"
You "no don't call me that"
Josh "it's cute lilo Richards"
You "stop"

He pulls you into a hug when you here your mom shouting

Your mom "lilo dinner"
You "coming"

You and josh go downstairs and see everyone sat at the table. Your mom (Ym),step (Ysd) dad,grandma (Yg),your aunty (Ya),2 cousins and your siblings sat down.

You  "everyone this is josh"
Josh "hey"
Everyone "hi"
Your sister "hey bro"
Josh "hey"
Your aunty "sit down quickly"

You and josh sit down next to each other And your aunty passed your two a plate of spaghetti.

Josh "thanks"
You "Thankyou"
Your step dad "can you get me a beer love"
Your mom "sure !"

You and josh start eating when your aunty starts talking in Italian. You don't normally tell people your family talk Italian.(I did google translate this so idk if it's correct :)

Your aunty "yeh non mi piace" (I don't like him)

Your grandma "no fermarlo Rosa"
(No stop it Rosa)

Your step dad "è troppo alto" (yeh he's to tall)

Your sister looks at you, obviously josh doesn't know they are taking about him so he's a bit confused

Your cousin "non puio causare una discussione"
(Can you not cause and argument)

Your aunty "no fia zitto"
(No fia shut up)

Your aunty "Lei non lo merita"
(She doesn't deserve him)

Your sister "mamma dì Loro di smetterla"
(Mom tell them to stop)

Your mom "sono d'accordo"
(No I agree)

You can't deal with your family talking crap about josh so you decide to say something.

You "e ti chiedi perchè no tono mai a casa e me ne vado"
(And you wonder why I never come home I'm leaving)

You "come on josh let's go"
Josh "what ?
You sister "you should leave"
Your grandma "no lilo"
You "sorry nonna I'm not having it"

You get up and grab Josh's hand and drag him out to your car,luckily you didn't bring your bags in.

*in the car*

Josh "what the fuck happened"
You "they were chatting shit about us"
Josh "in Italian ?"
You "yep"
Josh "why didn't you tell me you spoke Italian"
You "just never came up"
Josh "oh"
You "I'm sorry"
Josh "what for"
You "it was supposed to be nice meal but it's not"
Josh "you didn't ruin anything"
You "do you want to get chick fil a ?"
Josh "yeh"

You and josh are driving to chick-fil-a

Josh "wait so does your name mean anything"
You "I think it's hardworking"
Josh "yeh seems like you"
You "Thankyou"
Josh "anything for my girl"

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