Long distance

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You and josh are doing a long distance relationship.you meet in high school back in Canada.you would move to la but haven't finished college back in Canada. You see josh every 3 months which isn't to bad but you know that he finds it difficult.

Today you are going to surprise him in la.the only person that knew this was bryce because he was going to pick up up from the airport.

You have just landed and Bryce is eating for you

B "hey sis"

You have known Bryce for 4 years now and that's just a nick name he has for you

Y "hey"
B "you ready ?"
Y "lets go"
B "ok"
Y "how is he ?"
B "josh ?"
Y "yeh"
B "he only come out of his room to eat"
Y "I can't live here until I finish school"
B "yeh ik"
Y "I feel like it's all my fault"
B "what no trust me he just finds it difficult "
Y "Mabey we should break up"
B "what ! No that will put him in a worse position he needs you lily"
Y "yeh I need him to"
B "exactly"
Y "who knew Bryce hall had great advice"
B "shut up you"

You both laugh

B "alright looks like we are here"
Y "Thankyou for picking me up"
B "no problem"

You go up to joshes room and knock on his door

J "go away"

You knock again

J "omg what"

You knock again

J "I told you to le-"

He says and he opens the door and he see you

J "lily ?"
Y "hi"

He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist

J "I miss you"
Y "I miss you more"

He kisses you on the lips

J "can we cuddle"
Y "ok"

You laugh

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