Horny meal

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You Josh  and the rest of away are out for a meal.you and josh are at your apartment because you left your lipstick there and you needed it

J "baby I don't want to go"
Y "why"
J "cause I feel horny and you in that dress makes me want to fuck you"
Y "no josh we said we will go we can't cancel"
J "but what if-"
Y "no whatever your idea is it's a no"
J " "fine we go but can you change your dress"
Y "why"
J "I already got a boner over you today I don't want another one"
Y "aww is my baby embarrassed"

You say at you walk up to him and put your arms round his neck and his puts his hands on your waist

J "me no"
Y "come on we are going to be late"
J "fine"

The whole drive there josh doesn't make eye contact with you and he doesn't even put his hand on your thigh like he normall does so you grab it but he pulls away

J "baby stop"
Y "why"
J "because"
Y "oh your trying not to get horny"
J  "yes"
Y "fine"

You get to the restaurant and see everyone's almost there

Y "hi guys"
Nessa "where we're you"

Nessa says as you hug her

Y "sorry josh had a little um problem"

You and nessa start to laugh.you say hi to everyone and sits down you sit next to Addison and nessa and josh sits opposite you and next to Griffin and kio.

You are eating and see josh move in his seat.you pretend to drop your knife and go under the table and see josh has a boner.you smirk.the whole time josh  watches you when you get a text in the group chat with nessa and Addison

Girls 🍑

A-he's looking at you

N-he's checking you out😂

Before we left he
Was super horny-Y

A-say that your ill and need
to go home

Are you sure-Y

N-yes girl get that dick


I'll text him-Y



Josh I need to go home-Y

H-why ?

I think I've started my period Y


You look up at him and smile

J "ok we are going home"
Griffin "fuck her good"
J "I will"
Y "bye"
Nessa "bye"

You get into josh car and start to drive home

J "I know you haven't started"

You smirk

Y "I saw you had a boner and I thought why not help you out"
J "I don't know what your talking about"
Y "mhm sure you don't"

You put your hand down his boxers and grab his dick,you start to move your hand up and down and see how biting his lip trying not to moan

Y "moan baby"

Josh let out a low moan

J "baby stop"
Y "you sure you can wait till me are home"
J "yeh"

You take your hand out

J "your going to regret that"
Y "no I won't"

You get home to your apartment and you walk into your bathroom to take off you makeup when josh walks in

Y "hi baby"
J "don't be soft with me"

He walks up to you and start to kiss your neck and give you hickeys

Y "josh stop"
J "no"

He turns you around so you are making out.he pins you against the wall and whispers

J "jump"

You jump and he caughts your thighs and his hand on your ass.he pulls away from the kiss and starts giving you hickeys on your chest

Y "mhmh josh  just fuck me"

He walks over to the bed and places you down not breaking the hickey he was giving you and takes off your pjs that you were wearing

J "no underwear ?"
Y " I was feeling risky"

Josh bends down and start to give you kisses on the inside of your thing

Y "josh"

He looks at you at gets on top

J "how bad do you want me"
Y "soo bad baby please"

Without a warning he sticks his dick inside you and you moan really loud

J "shhh baby the neighbours can hear you"
Y "sorry"

He start to go harder and faster.the only sound in the room is both of you moaning and slapping for your skin.josh starts to slow down

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