⚠️Body shaming⚠️

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Recently you have been getting a lot of hate about you gaining weight because you were starving yourself so much that you became underweight because people were calling you fat.You and Josh  are going out for a little lunch date when the are pap coming towards you.

Y "josh"

You grip onto his hand a bit more

J "it's ok"
Pap1 "Kayla here"
Pap2 "Kayla how do you feel about the comments"
Pap3 "Kayla are you pregnant"
Pap4 "Kayla are you anoxic"

As soon as josh hear that he stops

J "dude wtf that's not cool,don't ever ask someone that again"
Y "can we go"
J "No that's just disrespectful,do not post this video,if I see it I will call my lawyers on you"

He storms away pissed off

y "josh it doesn't matter"
J "no that's just rude"
Y "can we just enjoy our date"
J "yes"

*skip time*

You and josh are eating you have avocado on toast and josh has pancakes.You are eating when you hear a photo being taken.you both turn your heads and see the pap taken photos.

J "just ignore them,look at me and eat"
Y "no I don't want it"

You put the bit of toast you are eating down

J "no look at me,eat it"

You look a josh.

J "please"
Y "ok"

You look down and feel sick just looking at it

Y "I can't"
J "fine then I won't eat mine"

He puts his knife and fork down and looks at you.

Y "no you deserve to eat it"
J "so do you"

You look at him and start laughing.When your phone starts to blow up.it's a picture of you and Josh at the table with the caption "@kayla eating again after pregnancy rumours !"
You read some of the comments

"That's rude"
"Leave her alone"
"She's so fat"
"No she stunning"
"She definitely isn't pregnant"

You both read the title at the same time.you see Josh's  clench his jaw

Josh "that's so fucked"

You continue to read the comments

"Leave her alone"
"She isn't pregnant"
"Leave her alone"
"That's body shaming"
"She deserves it"

J "stop it"
Y "what"
J "stop reading the comments"
Y "I'm not"
J "don't lie"
Y "can we just go they are still watching us"

You and josh get up and he puts a $20 bill onto the table.

J "com'on"

You are about to leave the cafè when you see the pap outside the front

Y "can we leave the back"
J "sure I'll ask"


You and Josh  are able to get back to your car without any pap any questions.You get back to your apartment and you lock yourself in the bathroom and break down crying

J "baby let me in"
Y "no"

You see your razor on the side and start to make a cut for each person you love,one for josh,one for Addison,one for bryce,one for your mom,one for your dad,one for your borther etc.

With at least 20 cuts on each side you start to feel light headed.

J "baby let me in,I can help you"
Y "josh"
J "please"
Y "josh I don't feel to good..."

Then suddenly everything goes black

*josh POV*

K "josh I don't feel to good"

Then there was a bang,I kick down the door and see about 40 cuts on her arms.

J "no no no"

I grab the towel and put pressure on her cuts.I pick her up and carry her to the car.I put her in and drive to the hospital

*your pov*

I woke in hospital which was weird,then it hits my from the recent events.a tear rolls down my face.then I look to my left and see josh  in the chair on his phone

Y "I'm sorry"
J "don't be sorry"
Y "it's all my fault"
J "no,no it's not we can help you"

Would you all like a part 2 to this or not xx
T ❤️

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