Waking up

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You and josh are in bed sleeping when josh has to get up to go workout but doesn't want to

Josh "please baby stay with mee"
You"josh you have to go workout"
Josh"but I don't want to"
You "I don't want to you either"

When Bryce walks in

Bryce "oi get up you fucking simp"
Josh "I'm not a simp"
Bryce "then get the fuck upp"
Josh "no get out"
Bryce "SIMP"

Then Bryce leaves

Josh "do you think I'm a simp"
You " Um no"
Josh "tell me the truth"
You "ok you are one sometime but it's cute"
Josh "your cute"
You "go workout"
Josh "yes boss"

You laugh

Josh "stop being cute cause that makes me want to get back in bed with you"
You "workout clothes now"
J "yes boss sorry boss"

After a long 15 mins of trying to get Josh to workout he finally did.you go downstairs and see a very sweaty josh downstairs making eggs

Y "hi baby"
J "I'm mad at you"
Y "why"
J "because you made me workout and I want to stay in bed with youuu"
Y "I'm sorry I just love your muscles"
J " I mean I am pretty strong"
Y "ummmm you sure"
Bryce "yeh I'm bigger"
Blake "GAINS"

You all laugh

I'm sorry this is short I'm double checking the new story and I might be able to get it out earlier I'm not sure yet

T xx

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