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*Josh's pov*
*josh to the camera*

J "ok guys so today I'm pranking Molly by having a fake hickey on my neck, so right now she's at the nail salon so this give us plenty of time,also kio is here to help me"
K "hey"

*the clip changes to josh and kio in your bathroom*

J "what pallet do i use"
K "I don't know"
J "well your helping me"
K "it's your prank"
J "no wait this one"

He shows a pallet from morphe

K "that looks expensive"
J "it's fine I'll buy her another one"
K "ok"

They both laugh and begin to make the fake hickey

K "wait dude that looks so real"
J "really ?"
K "yeh bro from a far that looks real"
J "we did it bro"

They high five

J "thanks for the help"
K "no problem"
J "ok so im going to set up my camera and get ready"

*skip time to when you get home*
*your pov*

I got home and I saw kio on the sofa

Y "hey kio"
K "oh hey"
Y "is josh in his room"
K "yeh
Y "thanks"

You go upstairs to yours and joshes bedroom and see him sat on the bed oh his phone

Y "hey"
J "hey babe"
Y "you alright ?"
J "yeh you"

You and josh begin to start talking whilst you pack away some of the new clothes you brought whilst you was out, you look up at josh and see a red mark on his neck

Y "what the fuck is that"
J "what do you mean ?"
Y "on your neck"

You asked walking up to him to get a better look at it, you grab his head and turn it so his neck is in the light

Y "what the fuck josh"

You say really angry

J "what ?!"
Y "that's a hickey"
J "there's nothing there"

Josh gets up to look at the "hickey" on his neck

J "it's just a rash"
Y "no it's not, who gave you that"
J "no one"
Y "who gave it to you"

You begin to shout because your so angry and you wouldn't think josh would do that to you

Y "who josh , tell me"
J "it's a rash, calm down"
Y "no I'm done"

You say as you begging to pack some clothes in a bag

J "where are you going ?"
Y "im leaving"
J "why ?"
Y "because you've got a fucking hickey on your neck josh"
J "no babe wait"
Y "what !"

Josh walks over to the plant in your room and picks up his camera

Y "why are you filming"
J "come with me"

He leads you into your on-suite in your bedroom and grabs one of your makeup wipes and takes off the hickey

J "pranked you"
Y "stop"

You and josh start to laugh 

J "aw did my baby get jealous"

He pulls you into a hug under his armpit

Y "don't talk to me"

Josh does his outro and joins you on the bed

J "I'm sorry babe"
Y "don't mess me with bitch"

Josh Richards storyWhere stories live. Discover now