Shopping day ruined

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Your name-Freya
⚠️Might be a trigger warning ⚠️ + language

Recently you have been getting a lot of hate for your body so josh decided to take up shopping to make you feel better.

You are walking thorough the mall holding hands there's not to many people here.

J "do you want to get food"
Y "only if is in-and-out"
J "sure"
Y "yay"

You and josh are eating your burgers and josh looks annoyed.

Y "josh you ok ?"
J "yeh I'm fine"
Y "are they behind us ?"
J "yeh but don't worry about them keep eating"
Y "no I'm not hungry anymore"
J "Freya eat it"
Y "no cause I'll post a tiktok and the comments with be like  enjoy that burger and I'm sick of it"
J "I'm not having you pass out again cause you didn't eat"
Y "fine"
J "Thankyou"

You and josh are done eating and are shopping in some shops

Y "hey Josh do you like this"

You show him a blue short dress

J "I love it"
Y "umm I'm not getting it"
J "why ?"
Y "because there's paps behind you and the comments"
J "don't worry about the pap I think you will look great in it"
Y "I love you"
J "I love you to"

You go on your tiptoes and kiss him.

Y "I have an idea"

You say and you grab joshes hand walking out of the shop

J "ok"
Y "why don't I go into Victoria secret and get some stuff while you wait outside and then I surprise you later"
J "sounds like a plan"
Y "ok wait here"

You run into Victoria secret while josh waits outside

*outside with josh*

They lap comes over to ask him some questions

Pap1 "hi josh"
J "hey"
Pap1 "how was your lunch"
J "did you film that"
Pap2 "josh how is Freya"
Pap3 "when are you going back home"
Pap1 "how is your relationship"
Pap4 "why did Freya take a break"

Josh just ignore the questions until one really annoys him

Pap4 "why has Freya gained weight"
J "bro what"
Pap4 "I didn't mean it like that dude"
J "no don't dude me you don't say that about someone that fucking rude"
Pap4 "sorry"
J "no sorry doesn't matter if you knew what she has went through you would of never added that but you don't so shut the fuck up"

*inside with you*

You are paying for your stuff when you turn around and see josh shouting at the quickly text josh

baby ❤️

Im almost done

Take your time baby

Are you ok out there

Yeh it's fine

Ok I'll be quick
Love you ❤️

Love you too❤️

Im walking outside when josh sees me and try's to come over to me but is blocked by pap

J "bro can you move please"

They move out of his way he walks over to you takes your hand and starts to walk

Y "you ok ?"
J "just keep your head down and walk"
Y "ok"
J "here I'll take your bags"
Y "no cause they will say I'm using you and your money"
J "it's ok let me have at least one"

You pass him the Victoria secret one

Y "oi no looking"
J "why"
Y "it's a surprise"
J "yesss"

You laugh

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