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Hi everyone! I hope you're doing well and keeping safe!! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I decided to take a bit of a risk and shift perspectives. 

I apologise in advance for what is about to happen. 

"Harry, are you listening to me?" A harsh voice cut through the singer's thoughts like sharp glass and his head shot up. His bright green eyes were bloodshot and lifeless; dark, void cycles sat underneath. Tremors rippled through his frail body and he fidgeted with his cumbersome hands, restlessly. He blinked once, and then twice, trying to process what was going on.

"Harry?" Concern seeped through Jamie's voice as he reached for the man's delicate, shaking body. The rockstar finally met his gaze and felt his whole world crumble. Emotion seeped out of every pore but not a single tear left his broken shell. He felt truly empty, too tired to feel anything. And yet, Harry could feel the entire weight of the world on his shoulders and it was pushing and crushing him.

The bones were about to break.

It was only a matter of time before the news of his sister hit the papers. Everything he had done, everything he had sacrificed had been for nothing.

Gemma Styles: murderer.

The thought made Harry want to throw up, or snort another line. Maybe both.

He took in his assistant's appearance. Jamie seemed hagged and weary, probably exhausted from dealing with Harry's unpredictable and childish behaviour. The two had been at odds since the glass throwing incident with Louis and the singer could not help but notice how his assistant was walking on eggshells around him. The lack of sparkle in his eyes caused the star's stomach to drop and guilt consumed him. He was a vacuum, slowly pulling the life out of everyone he held dear. First his sister, then Louis and now his assistant. He could not keep doing it.

Most people believed that forests were full of life and hope, but Harry disagreed. He'd seen their desolate nature in barren plains. Petrified trees creating mangled, warped ghosts of the past and dark, copper red sand tapping at their feet. Some forests deserved to be alone. He was one of them.

"Jamie. you're dismissed," the words left his chapped, bitten lips before he had even processed what he was saying. Shock and confusion was written across his assistant's face and he tilted his head, probably suspecting that he had misheard his boss.

"What?" He asked, apprehensively. He ran a hand through his gingery brown hair and blinked several times. Seeing him so worried and concerned hurt Harry to the core, but it also reinforced his beliefs.

Harry Styles deserved to be alone and Jamie was too good for him.

"You're fired. Please leave my property," He replied, refusing to look at his assistant. He turned away and stared at the wall. His eyes traveled to the Great Gatsby book, proudly displayed on his bookshelf. The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg stared back at him, smugly, forever watching and judging his movements.

Harry's life was a moral wasteland and it was judgement day.

The eyes were finally casting their damnation.

Sensing the star's unease, Jamie reached out and lightly touched his pale arm. Harry flinched but he did not pull away.

"Harry, I really don't think you should be alone right now," there was a kindness in his voice that made Harry squirm and remove the comforting hand from his bicep. He did not deserve that type of love. Jamie needed to go before he hurt him, like he had with everyone else.

"Please leave. If you don't, I will call security," emotion was void in his voice, despite the empty, vacant pain in his chest. He watched Jamie's face fuse from confusion to disappointment and he nodded, slowly. He knew that Harry was not giving him an empty threat.

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