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To say that Louis Tomlinson was extremely upset over the pictures from Amsterdam would be the understatement of the year. The boy had not eaten in two days and had thrown himself into preparation for the live shows.

He was willing to do anything to get Harry's smiling, affectionate face out of his mind. He'd even tried to pour his emotions into a song, but nothing quite encapsulated how he felt. It seemed that the boy was living in his head, rent free.

He'd expressed as such to Niall, who had actually listened very well, and not interrupted, which was rare for the Irish Lad. Sure, he'd called him a 'feckin idiot' for getting too attached, too quickly, to a man who clearly did not care for him, but he was still pretty impartial in his advice. In fact, his antidote to the whole situation was to get blackout drunk at a club of his choosing.

Louis, who had not seen Niall for weeks, was game, obviously. He just was not sure how to get into London from the mansion in the middle of no where.

He considered an Uber, but after seeing the extortionate price, he wondered if there was another option, hence knocking on the door of Harry's assistant at 7pm that night.

"Harry. I didn't know you'd come back this early I-oh How can I help you?" He asked, with a tight smile. Louis took in his appearance. It was different to how he usually saw the assistant. He was less put together and looked exhausted. Guilt formed in Louis's mind. Had he just woken this poor man up?

"Hi. I'm sorry to disturb you. It's just- well- I'm going out tonight to Tape in London, and I was wondering how I'd get there," Harry's assistant raised his eyebrows and looked at Louis up and down. The look made him feel a little self-conscious and he wrapped his arms tightly around his stomach.

"You're going to Tape? Have you got an invitation?" He asked, as if it was a most obvious question in the world. In all honesty, Louis was not quite sure what Tape was and had not wanted to look it up.

It was all part of Niall's 'big plan'.

"No, my best mate, Niall, reckoned we should just turn up," He replied, honestly. His Irish best friend and organisation did not really go hand in hand and Louis knew that he would not have even considered getting a ticket, let alone an invitation.

Harry's assistant sighed and ran a hand through his tawny hair, before shoving his hands in his grey tracksuit bottoms.

"Louis, you're gonna get turned away the minute you get there," He confessed. Surprisingly, he did not look agitated; only tired and a little delirious. Louis imagined that he had many sleepless nights, babysitting the infamous rockstar. He wondered just how many clubs the poor man had carried him from.

"Tape is one of the most exclusive nightclubs in London. They don't just let anyone in," He continued, explaining the situation. Louis groaned. What had Niall been thinking? Although, in some ways, it did not surprise him at all. Niall had managed to convince himself that Louis was now a celebrity, purely because he was in the live shows of Factor 28. Louis hated that. He was not successful. All he had done was get through a few rounds. It did not help that the little voice in the back of his head told him that he had only gotten through because Harry wanted to sleep with him.

There was currently a fine line between his success and self-doubt, and they seemed to balance with one another. One always reminding the other. 


"Don't worry. I got you covered," The assistant smirked and walked out of his room. Louis followed closely behind, a little confused as to what was happening.

"Harry always has spare invitations. I use them all the time," He confessed, as he entered  a dark room, which looked to be an office. He reached into the top drawer of a ugly, metal filing cabinet and pulled out an abundance of invitations, tickets and personal notes. Louis stared, wide-eyed. People would probably pay a pretty penny for those types of exclusive tickets, and here Harry was, with a huge wad of them.

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