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I awoke to my mother harshly banging her fist on my door followed by the word "Up!". 

With a startled jump and grown of annoyance I lifted my head and stared out at the darkness of my room. My alarm clock beside me provides a faint glow and remindes me that it's only five-thirty in the morning. The time apart from when my mother mentors during the games, I've always remembered waking up at.

She started training me at a mere three-years old. If you're old enough to grip a ball then you're old enough to hold an axe apparently.

I dressed in a simple shirt and tights before following endless corridors out of my house. I walked past the many empty mansions until I stood in the clearing behind Victor's Village. Tall trees surrounded me and I lowered my gaze to stare at my mother emotionessly while she slid her thumb across the blade of her axe.

Johanna Mason in all her glory. There was no denying that my mother is pretty, considered desirable in the Capitol even. But she was always the actress, pretty is the last word I'd use to describe her.

She sighed and stared up at the sky before tearing her eyes down to me. "Pick it up and start, Victoria".

I had half a mind to tell her no. That I don't need to spend my days training relentlessly, especially because I'm nineteen now and can't be reaped anymore. But I know it's no use, she'd tackle me and threaten me or something. After years of the same routine I know it's just better for everyone if we get this over and done with. 

So, with a eyeroll that luckily went unoticed I picked up my axe and started throwing at the target beside hers. Hitting the bulls eye in unison to my mother's own swings. The more you do it, the more it feels like a dance. The more I do it, the more I block out her nit-picking. The more I do it, the faster the time goes. Until it's nine-thirty and I'm sweaty and breathing relentlessly.

I stop and so does she. Silence fills the clearing apart from our tried breaths and I'm filled with a need to break it. Just to hear her talk to me, how long has it been since I've ever had a conversation with her? probably never. It's why her screaming at me when I was eight was so memorable. It was the most she's ever spoken to me.

I guess I could ask her about today's Quell announcment but that would probably open old wounds. I never ask her questions apart from when I was younger. I used to ask her who my father was every training. That is, until she cackled in-front of me and said 'probably some lumber-jack'.

I swallowed and stared at the tree tops rather than her. "When I'm twenty-five I'm going to go work in the printing press. Nancy works there and she says it's not so bad. Plus, the pay is supposed to be good". 

My mother had instantly stopped panting and I could feel her eyes observing every inch of my face. It was unexpected, I'm still trying to figure out if I said that loud or not. It's not what we do. She forces me to train and then we ignore eachother and our lives. I actually still hadn't decided between working as a lumber-jack or in the printing press wharehouses. It's the only occupations in District Seven and when I turn twenty-five I have to choose.  But it's not something I'd ever discuss with Johanna. Mainly because I hate her and she ignores me apart from our morning trainings. 

I heard her scoff accompanied by the sharp sound of an axe lodging itself into the nearest tree. I lowered my gaze in shock. Her axe had perfectly hit the target and I could see the outline of my mother stomping back out towards our house. 

I closed my eyes and sighed before resting the back of my head against the nearest tree. So much for an actual conversation. Disapointment and anger surged through me. I wish she wasn't so fucked up!. I wish she was normal and actually knew how to speak to people. All I ever wanted was for her to love me and yet she can't stand me. What's the point of having a child if you're just going to ignore it and let it fend for it's self!?!

I stared down at my own axe. It lyed motionless by my feet and I wondered if I could really stand another six years of this...

I shook my head. Stupid thought, there's nothing I can do about it anyways. Even if I begged and pleaded to the mayor of District Seven. It wouldn't change a damn thing. Not to mention he'd probably give me a lecture on what an honour it is to be a child of a victor living in such luxury. I'd give it all up just to get away from this isolation though. To find love. Even if I did fall in love and got engaged I'd still have to live here with Johanna until I turn twenty-five. It's the stupidest law.  

My life basically won't start until I turn twenty-five. Can't buy a house or work. The law is as follows: 'No person(s) related to Victor's living in Victors Villiage shall forfeit their rights and livlihoods until the age of twenty-five years'. 

Biggest bunch of bullshit if you ask me. Probably the second worst thing about this place next to the hunger games. Of course most relatives of victors are made famous pre the age of twenty five. But still, what's the point of being famous in the Capitol for no reason if I'm just going to be making paper for the rest of my days?.

I never thought my mother would care when I move out. I honestly still think I'll pretend to go train with her the day I turn twenty-five. Except, Instead of walking into the clearing, I'll wak in the opposite direction and stick the finger up at her. It'll be a good feeling. 

However, her reaction to my sentence confused me. Does she...dare I say care?. Does she want me to live with her?. Or is she mad because she thinks I'll choose printing over the one thing she's taught me since I could basically walk?. Or it is something else completely different that I can't even fathom to imagine because well, I don't know her well enough to know it.

One thing I do know is that she's not happy with me and tomorrow I'll just stick to ending training in silence like we do every other day.

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