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I can feel it. Seven pairs of eyes burning holes into the back of my head. Uncomfortable  would be an understatment. But I don't regert it one bit. Sure, I've probably got a target on my back now. Perhaps, the three of them might try to convince me a final time to join them before the games. But I doubt it. 

Maybe for Joahnna's sake they won't kill me straight away. At least until maybe Districts One and Two are killed off. A girl can dream. Of course, theres a small voice in the back of my head screaming; 'you could just grab an axe and kill them before they kill you'. Sadly, that voice seems to get stronger by the minute.

"Sorry I'm late. My stylist burnt my costume so they had to quickly make a new one".

Like a saviour, there he stood. All confidence in a pair of moss pants and a bark jacket. Trent!

I let out a sigh of relief before engulfing Trent in a hug. He made a slight "Ooft" sound in surprise but returned it none the less. 

I step out from the hug a bit sheepishly and shrugged. "I'm just really glad you're here".

Trent smirked and looked around before shrugging. "That bad already".

I nodded and stepped slightly closer to him while our stylists were too far away to here us. "Johanna just tried to introduce me into an alliance with Liam, Terrance and Poppy.".

He rose his eyebrows at me in surprise. "Wait, you're serious?".

I nodded. "It was in front of Peeta, Katniss and Finnick. Don't look but they're all still over there".

Instantly Trent looked to the left and I stared at the sky in frustration before pulling on his shoulder. "Way to make it obvious, Trent".

He shook his head. "Sorry. So, what happened?".

I bit my lip. "I said no and told them I planned on offing myself in the bloodbath".

A look of exasperation washed over his face. "Damn it, Vicks!. You know the Mellark twins and Liam Odair aren't exactly the kind of people I want to be actively hunting us down".

I nodded. "I know. But I ju-well what else was I supposed to do!?!".

He pretend to mock think. "Hmmm I don't know, maybe play nice with the other famous kids until you get into the arena!".

I opened and closed my mouth. When he puts it like that, it almost seems like the obvious play. I craned my neck behind Trent and sure enough, the whole group was watching us argue in interest. I sighed. "They won't want me as an ally anyways...I encouraged them to kill me".

Trent tusked at me in obvious disappointment. "That was smart".

I started swinging my arms back and forth. Time to deliver some more bad news. "There's another thing".

He rose his eyebrows at me as if to say 'go on'. I swallowed. "They're trained. Every single one of them".

Trent exhaled before he muttered. "Great".

Blight chose that exact moment to wobble up to us. He was mumbling to himself and both Trent and I shared a look. A look that conveyed 'time to clear out'.

Trent ran his hand through his hair while watching Blight walk closer to us in hatred. "Let's get on the chariot".

I nodded. "Um sure".

We'll be the first ones standing on it!.  Even District One hasn't stood on theirs yet. But I know Trent. And I know he despises that Blight chose alcohol and drugs over him. So I let him drag me onto the chariot that was covered in white roses. 

I tried not to look at my mother or the group of Victors she stood with. Instead, I turned to Trent with a smile. "I think we need to work on a game plan".

Trent nodded in thought. "Good idea, but not here. There's too many people".

I nodded. "True".

I could feel everyone staring at us now. I hate attention which considering who I am is comical. I wanted Johanna to at least tell her group that we probably did it to get rid of Blight. But she's angry at me and well, when has she ever done anything like that for me before?.

Besides she doesn't know me well enough to know that I despise attent-

"I think tomorrow in training we'll stick to survival stuff.".

I tuned to Trent with a small smile. "Okay sure".

He nodded. "It's just, you don't need anymore training with an axe and apart from stealing we don't know how to find food or water. Without weapons it's probably all we need to know".

I jumped a little and turned to him in excitement. "Oh! We could even use the camouflage station".

Trent smirked at me. "Definitely".

It wasn't long before District One started rolling out. Johanna stood off to the side with Finnick and Katniss. The three of them seemed to be either plotting or catching up. Victors are that crazy it's really just too hard to tell. Peeta on the other hand, stood next to his kids near their chariot. I felt a jolt of envy course through me. A loving parent?...must be nice. 

I didn't have too long to dwell on my growing envy as our chariot had already started to move. Trent instantly gripped the side of the chariot and I grabbed his shoulder to help balance him. He let out a nervous chuckle. "Johanna, didn't tell you what to do during the parade by any chance?".

I smirked. "Nope. But I gather I'm just supposed to do whatever you're not doing". I let go of his shoulder to prove a point and sure enough he nearly fell again.

He gave me a glare. "Funny".

I giggled before instantly dropping my smile at the sea of people that sat watching us. Fuck. Screams, colours and roses. I gritted my teeth and forced on a fake smile which many bought. I turned to Trent who seemed to be at ease. "Do you think it's possible to die from too many roses hitting you in the face?".

He rose his eyebrows at me in confusion. "Not sure, but there's a first time for everything".

We made a full loop until our chariot faced the tallest podium I've ever seen. It reminded me of the tall trees I'd spend my days in back home, only it's made of concrete. I looked up into the face of President Snow as he went on some tangent about the one hundredth games. Hatred surged through me. Not hated from being reaped, I always suspected I'd die this way. But hatred over the fact that he killed my family. For a purely selfish reason, you can't mourn who you never knew. But, someone else could've taken me in if he didn't kill everyone related to my mother. Therefore, for leaving me with no option but to be raised or not-so-raised by Johanna Mason, is why I detest President Snow.

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