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Don't get me wrong. I never feared for my safety under Johanna's roof. Unlike Liam, I didn't stay awake at night staring at my bedroom door wondering if I'd be gutted because my psycho of a father suddenly switched. I don't fear Johanna Mason. But that doesn't mean she's a decent  parent. Doesn't mean I wasn't traumatised and damaged.

I could tell he was waiting for me to prove him wrong. And I'm going to, I'm just having a hard time trying to find the words to explain my childhood. I've never had to explain it, Trent saw it. And I lived it. But telling it?...god where to begin. I blew out a shaky breath and stared at the fire. "You said Annie has attachment issues?. Well, Johanna has abandonment issues. She doesn't let anyone get too close to her. Including me. Johanna's never touched me. She never nursed me as a baby or comforted me in anyway. Growing up, I had the bottom floor of the mansion and she had the top".

I sniffed. "Finnick's incapable of loving you but Johanna chooses not to".

I met his eyes and I could see the hurt shining through, I took a shuddered breath. I haven't finished yet though. "I can't remember never not feeling abandoned by her. But most days it just feels like I'm her greatest burden.". I scoffed and shook my head. "A burden she chose not to take on".

I shrugged. "It wasn't like she did anything but that was the point. She didn't do anything. I never even had a proper conversation with her until I was eight years old. And that was only because she snapped.". I chuckled bitterly and dropped my eyes back to those flames. "Been raising myself since the age of five. How to establish my own bed routine, how to cook, clean, self sooth and most importantly forge Johanna's signature to a T so no one would take me to the children's home. She was always just that woman that lived above me. A stranger and certainly not a parent. Neglected...she neglected me my entire life and I-I never gave her shit for it."

I felt a lone tear slide down my cheek. "I-I should've done something, confronted her more or...I should've run away. But who'd let me leave?!?. I'm Johanna Mason's daughter. I have it better then anyone, right?".

He smirked. "Right. And you're famous. Can't forget that".

I placed my hand over my heart dramatically. "But not as famous as the Liam Odair. Gosh!. The way his eyes shine light up my heart".

He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. "That's not true. I've been playing it cool this whole time but inside I've been dying to ask you the secret to how you get your smile to light up the room. Victoria Mason..". He sighed dramatically. "You are truely the greatest beauty in Panem and I'm not worthy to be in your presence".

And like that we took the piss out of each other. Well, our fame anyways. Until we were in stitches laughing. When our laughter died down I found myself staring into those captivating sea green eyes. They shone with amusement and a weird sense of vulnerability that I hadn't seen in them before. I felt his hand cup my cheek like he always does and myself completely enamoured in the moment started to lean in. I faltered slightly only for him to smile softly and lean in too. 

I felt myself inhale in anticipation. Just as I felt his lips softly brush min-


Instantly, Liam had pushed me down and picked up his trident while his eyes narrowed in the direction of the sound. 

He took a shuddered breath and his eyes swept over me in concern. Silently he put his finger to his lips and indicated to my discarded axe. I nodded and rolled until I flanked his side with my axe gripped tightly in my hand.

We paused and waited. Silent, still and on edge. How long have they been here?. I swallowed,  how much of that did they hear?. I felt concern wash over me. I didn't want anyone but Liam to know about my life.  It's private and I'm completely under the impression that we weren't being aired. Suddenly I wanted them dead. Whoever it is, after what they just heard I want them gone

It was dark but our fire provided little light. Just enough to cast a shadow. I smirked from my crouched position underneath Liam. A shadows all I needed. Without warning or hesitation I threw my axe at what I suspect to be a thirty-two degree angle. Liam shot me a warning look but the damage was done.

My axe glided through the air until it stopped with squelch and a grunt. Suddenly a figure slumped to the ground, my axe directly lodged in his heart. I smirked, guess Johanna was good for something. 


Liam kissed my temple and whispered a small "Look away". 

I frowned in confusion only to notice his trident wasn't next to him but now directly upwards. It sounded like it got stuck in between one of the many branches. Immediately more confusion washed over me before I jumped as a body seemed to fall directly in-front of us. A sickening crack echoing around us. It's an indication that if her trident wound didn't do it then the broken neck would. My eyes widened in shock, I hadn't even realised there was more than one. 


A little bit more concerning is that they were both carrying swords. Liam tusked in disgust at the two bodies on the ground. "District Eleven".

I hesitantly walked towards the boy with a head full of curly hair and nodded. District Eleven. I shook my head as if to clear the image of his now pale face and plied my axe from his body. I turned around having found Liam doing the same thing. He shrugged. "Twelve left".

I smirked. "Half way".

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