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That morning I was a bundle of nerves. Not because I feared an unknown arena. Or because I feared running into some tribute. Nope. I'm a wreck because today I'm learning how to swim.

What if I drowned...again?. What if it's my cannon after I just fall into the great depths and never surface?.

We slowly walked amongst the many doors that surround the field. Liam's eyes flickered from number to number. All the while slightly counting them down under his breath.

I had my axe raised just incase we're not here alone. But so far it's just us. 

His hand was still in mine, something that hadn't changed since yesterday. I didn't think too much of it. Mainly because I've noticed Liam's personally is well...charismatic. He draws you in but also uses touch to his advantage. I guess being raised by Finnick Odair rubbed off on him in that way. I doubt he's even aware that's it's not typical normal behaviour but it's just subconscious to him.

I heard him clear his throat while he indicated to a lone door. "The eighty-fourth arena".

I felt myself tug on his arm as he went to open the door. He rose his eyebrows in confusion and I bit my lip at the mystery door. A door I would've been what? Three when this arena was in action. "H-how do you know there's water in there?".

He exhaled and glared at the number on the door. "When I was five I watched these games. It was the first time I'd ever watched it. Dad was in the Capitol and Mum was supposed to be watching me. But she had an episode so I was left alone in the house and it j-just played in every room. Trust me, there's water".

I didn't know what to say. I know what it's like to be neglected as a child but I always had Liza in the mansion to watch over me in infancy. I remembered Johanna payed her a lot of money during her trips to the Capitol. I guess to make sure I wasn't neglected but...she ended up neglecting me anyways. 

Although, Liam Odair is different. Both his parents are Victors. One sane and the other insane. I couldn't imagine the dysfunction that would've caused growing up. And I guess that confession is the first real insight to the districts that their precious Victors and they're children aren't living that dream life they imagine us having. With one confession Liam bursted that bubble. And now I know, by the end of the day we're probably going to have that talk.

I don't know why but I hugged him. I felt him stiffen before he returned it. I sighed. "I get it".

Nothing more was said. He didn't react at all apart from entwining our hands. He nodded to himself before dragging me through the door. 

We landed with the thunder like sound. I leaned against Liam before my eyes adjusted to the mountain top. Rocks surrounded us and I frowned. "There doesn't look like there's any water here. Guess I'll just learn another day, then".

I turned around to leave but Liam pulled me back with a smirk. "Nice try Mason, this way".

He'd already started walking down the trail that leads to lower ground. I closed my eyes in frustration before running a shaky hand through my hair. With a nod to myself I followed after him. 

If Liam wasn't so haunted by traumatising childhood memories of this place and I wasn't so sacred at the thought of swimming. Then we would've noticed that the cornucopia was empty.

I felt like with every step down the mountain the more nervous I got. If Liam could feel my hand start to shake in his then he didn't bother mentioning it. 

When the mountain lead up we were surrounded by shrubs. He rolled out his neck before tugging me forwards. "Should be there soon".

Right. There meaning water...fuck. I felt my hand subconsciously go to hold my pendant only to frown that it's now at the bottom of the ocean. I bit my lip. "If you swim can see under the water?".

Liam shrugged. "I guess but it'd hurt eventually".

I frowned. "Why?".

He turned to me and smirked. "Cause we're not built for it?. Why, were you planning on seeing under water once you learn how to swim?".

I smirked and nodded. "Be pretty cool to see everything underneath, right?".

He smiled and turned back to leading us through another bush. "I guess, before your eyes start to sting it's 'pretty cool'."

He made air quotes and I hit his shoulder. "Shut up".

He chuckled and we went back to walking towards where ever he thought this water is. Just as I was looking at the bushes I noticed that there was something eerily familiar about them. Low to waist high, dark green and all the stems have leaves of three. Did we have them back in Seven?!?.

Why do they stand out so much?. I feel like there's something not right about them. Leaves of three...leaves of three...

I stopped and examined one of the leaves. Gosh why do I suck at plant identification?. I could basically feel my entire District screaming at me behind their screens. Hell!, Johanna's probably throwing glasses of scotch at hers. But why...why do I feel like they'd be doing that?!?.

Liam stopped walking and tipped his head at me with a smirk. "You know, I think they're too small for you to climb".

Is it edible or is it sinister?. I bit my lip again, actually I chewed on it in thought. Why do I know this plant!?!.

I could feel Liam slowly walk over to me and I felt his hand rest gently on my shoulder. "Victoria?...You okay there".

I swallowed in confusion. "These bushes...they're from my District".

I definitely know that much. I could feel Liam nod at me like I'm ten seconds away from being labeled crazy. "Okay...maybe we should get going though. Don't know how long it's going to take to teach you how to swim".

He shrugged and started walking forward. But yet, I stayed still transfixed on the plant in my hand.

It's not right. It's something I learnt as a kid. Was it Trent that taught me or school?. It's something we teach our children in seven. But it's been so long since I last saw one of these bushes.

Leaves of three...leaves of three....leaves of three, let it be...

Shit!. Instantly I looked up to see Liam already meters in front of me wading through the bushes and I cringed...he's wearing shorts. "Liam, don't move!".

He paused and turned around so I could see the confusion on his handsome face. He shrugged. "What is it?".

I stood up straight and looked around me in panic. Fuck!, we've openly walked into a field filled of poison ivy. "All this..." I indicated to all the green shrubs. "Is poison Ivy".

Liam's eyes brows raised in slight panic. "Poison ?!?. Like, it's fatal!?!".

And then I laughed. Trust Liam Odair to have never heard of poison ivy before. Growing up in four he would only know what grows on beaches. Liam started to look more panicked by the second when I didn't answer his question. "You're laughing cause we're already dead, right?".

I bit my lip to contain my laughter and shook my head at him. "You won't die. It just gives you a painful rash".

He exhaled and stared at the sky in relief before he quickly looked down at his legs with a small frown. "Wait, when you say painful..?".

I smirked and shrugged. "Don't worry. I'm sure someone will sponsor the Liam Odair so you won't ever have to know true pain. I'm surprised someone hasn't already."

I'd already started walking back the way we came. I could already feel my hand start to itch. Liam grumbled behind me under his breath. "Ha ha, very funny".

I shrugged. Not a lie though. If Liam Odair can't get medicine then what hope do the rest of us have for getting any sponsors?. 


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