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I kicked a rock as I watched Liam run his hand through his hair for the tenth time. "Admit it, your lost".

He sighed and shook his head. "I'm not lost".

I scoffed. "It's nightfall and we haven't found any sign of water. I doubt I can even remember the way back up to that mountain top".

Liam tusked. "Then it's a good thing you're not leading the way".

I sighed in frustration and continued to follow after him. We're so lost.  

It didn't take long for us to receive rash ointment. As soon as we were exited that field of poison ivy we heard that beautiful little whistle. A jar filled with ointment and a note...

Keep your eyes open,

-F & J.

It's put Liam on edge. The fact that we're missing something or like I'd suggested we might encounter mutts in this arena. I mean, what else could it be?!?.

Liam sighed frustratedly before turning to me with a shrug. "Might as well set up camp for the night".

I smirked and he shook his head at me in amusement. Yep, we're lost. I sniggered. "Sure, I'll start a fire".

He didn't say anything but really he didn't need to. So, I made the small fire and together we sat on either side of it. The fire lighting up our faces as the night continuously darkened. 

I stared at the sky but clicked my tongue in disappointment. No stars. I could feel Liam's eyes on me and I looked down with a raised eyebrow.

He rubbed his neck awkwardly. "So, District Seven?. Is it just all trees and bushes that give you rashes?".

I shrugged casually but I knew where this is going. That inevitable conversation, it's fucking get to know you time. "I guess. Well, no it's...not so bad. The industry, lumber, I guess to most people is boring. We can only ever have two jobs; lumberjack or working in the printing press".

Liam smirked. "Lucky then. In four, your only choice is to fish or sell the fish".

I crinkled my nose in distain. "Sounds fun".

He exhaled and glared bitterly at the fire "Yeah, fun".

I gave him a small smile. "You'd be good at that though. I've seen you fish, your amazing at it".

He smirked although it didn't reach his eyes. "You'd make a great lumberjack. You're amazing at it". He scoffed bitterly. "Doesn't matter anyways. We'll only ever be a Victor if we make if out of here alive. Living in a mansion next door to our parents. Forever living the same mundane routines".

And suddenly I couldn't imagine anything worse. If I win, I'll forever be tied to Johanna. We'd have the same job, same lives and the same routine. Mentoring together with her and Blight every year. I frowned. "You know it's funny. I hadn't even considered winning until just now.".

Liam rose his head and gave me a surprised look. "What do you mean?. What's been going through your head this entire time if you've never considered winning it?".

I bit my lip and stared hard into the fire. "Trent and I, we had this...this plan".

I could feel his eyes observing every inch of my face. "What kind of plan?".

I closed my eyes. "W-we weren't going to play. We were just going to hide it out. The entire thing we'd maybe steal or I don't know. Do we whatever we could not to kill anyone in here.". I opened my eyes and locked eyes with his. I could feel myself tearing up. "I-I thought I didn't have it in me to kill anyone. That I was so different from my mother that I couldn't ever do it. But it f-felt as easy as breathing. And I feel nothing. So, I don't know, when I was reaped...even in training I thought we'd eventually die. An arrow by one of the Mellark's or something. But when I saw you training I knew deep down we couldn't win it. Not by not killing anyways. That's why I refused the alliance and why I told you to gut me. It would've been a relief because I didn't think I'd be able to kill." I hung my head and stared up at the sky in frustration. "I didn't come in here planning to win".

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