𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"What is everyone's problem? What's the big secret?" Fred demanded once again as I hesitated to start my explanation. 

I sighed, not wanting this to have gone this way, but I shook away my doubts and promised myself that he wouldn't shun me for it. He would remain my friend, I hoped, and would support whatever I had to say. Right?

"You remember Draco, right?" I asked, and Fred scoffed. "Remember him? Yeah, I remember that gi-" 

"We've been together for some time now," I said. 

I hated calling it dating in all honesty. It was so much more than that. It was a deeper bond than just boyfriend and girlfriend, but I couldn't get into the specifics now, so 'together' would have to suffice. 

I was met with a blank stare that did nothing to comfort or reassure me. It made my heart sink to my stomach and make me feel like throwing up. 

"What?" Fred asked, sounding quite... hurt. 

"I should've said something to you sooner but I just kind of thought you knew," I said. 

"Why would I have known that?" He asked, and I shook my head, not having an answer to give him. 

"I'm sorry. I just had to tell you now because George mentioned that you... well, you may like me?" I said questioningly. 

Fred laughed humourlessly. "And this was supposed to make me feel better? Make me go on about my day as if nothing ever happened? I would've liked you to simply reject me rather than this. You used to hate Draco, whatever happened to that? Now you two are- wait... when you said 'we' were at Fleur's... you meant Draco and you?" Fred asked. 

I nodded, not having the faintest idea how to confirm his correct suspicion into words. "Oh, perfect. You know he's a Death Eater, correct?" Fred snapped and I sighed. 

"He's not a bad person," I said. 

"All Death Eaters are bad people! They're vile! The scum of this very Earth! Not a single one of them deserves to even be living, they serve that fucking monster-" 

"Fred, please!" I shouted, not wanting to hear anymore.  I shakily took my wand from a pocket of the dress I was wearing and lifted the concealing spell that hid my own Dark Mark. 

His eyes went wide, and he backed away from me as I revealed it to him. "What the bloody hell is that?" He breathed, covering his mouth loosely with his hand. He was in shock, and I began to worry he would never look at me the same way ever again. 

"Fred, please. Please don't- let me explain, please," I begged, becoming desperate now that I may be losing a friend. 

"What is there to explain! You're a bloody Death Eater! That's despicable!" He shouted, and I shook my head, my eyes watering. "N- no, it wasn't my choice! You don't understand what my father's like, he made me do this!" I yelled back.

"This was because of him, wasn't it? You chose this because he did too?" Fred snapped. 

"I already explained to you it was my father! Draco had nothing to do with my mark!" I shouted at him. "I don't believe you," He said, turning away from me. 

My bottom lip quivered as I witnessed our friendship crumbling beneath us. I reached out to him but didn't touch him. I couldn't bring myself to. 

"Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?" I asked softly.

He kept his back turned to me, not letting me see the expression on his face. He said nothing, taking a deep breath as he thought about his answer.

"I haven't. That's just it, I haven't-" 

"You did the day you were sorted into Slytherin," He cut me off. 

"What?" I asked, shocked at his answer. "Don't use your feelings to ruin us. Please, Fred, I thought you valued our friendship at least a little," I said. 

He turned back to me, "How can I justify being friends with Death Eater?" He snapped. 

"Where am I now?!" I shot back. 

He said nothing, too dumbfounded to find an answer. "Where am I as this war begins? I'm by your side, you idiot. I can fight as hard as I want to make you believe me or trust me, but I don't have to. I know you already do. You just don't want to admit it. I'll be inside, you were clearly not ready for the conversation," I spat, disgusted at him. 

With that, I walked away, back inside and away from the fuming red-haired boy I had left outside. What right did he have to call me despicable? I pushed my hair out of my face as it had fallen when I was going through the bush again. 

I moved the tent drape out of my way to re-enter, and when I sat down, visibly upset, all eyes were on me. 

People were dancing all over now, the floor was covered in different guests. Bill and Fleur looked happily into one another's eyes, and I tried to focus on them. I couldn't help but think I could never have a happy wedding such as this one. 

My friends wouldn't come and have a good time, they'd feel like they had to attend. If Fred came at all, he'd think we were evil. It would be a shit show.

There was no room for that in my future. 

"He wasn't ready," I said sadly, trying to hold back my emotion.

"What do you mean?" George asked, and I shook my head, locking eyes with him. "He hates me, George. I showed him... well, I showed him something personal, and he didn't react well," I said. 

"What did you show him?" He asked, and I sighed. 

I couldn't do this. I couldn't show all of them my dark mark so suddenly, not here. It would be too chaotic, and I wasn't sure they wouldn't react exactly the same way Fred would. 

"I just... I thought he'd understand. He didn't. He hates me," I said. 

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you," He said, and I shook my head. "No, I think it's bad," I said. 

Then, Fred walked back in, his face unreadable, his expression flat. He took his seat again, not saying a word, but garnering the attention of the entire table with ease. 

I looked at Hermione, who now saw what I meant. "Right," she whispered in my direction, and I nodded. 

"I just want to go to sleep," I grumbled into my hands as they covered my face. 

update time!

𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 • (𝐝.𝐦.)Where stories live. Discover now