𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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"I think your boyfriend missed you," Graham whispered sarcastically, but I wasn't sure how to react. Draco was still staring at me, his glance not wavering until Snape announced he would escort him out. 

Everyone seemed relieved, the problem was being taken care of. Shame on Draco for wanting to go to a party he wasn't invited to. 

But I knew better. 

He wasn't here for the party, and chances were he wasn't even there to see how Montague and I were getting along as each other's dates. 

No, there was another reason he was here, and I intended to find out why. The Room of Requirement was on this floor, he was most likely on his way there to work on the cabinet.

This task would be over so much sooner if we had worked on it together, but here it was, consuming his entire life with ease. 

"Go find him," Graham said from behind me, and I whipped around, confused. "What?" 

"I can tell you know something's up, so go find out what it is," He said, nudging me forward. I smiled lightly, appreciative of his understanding, and I nodded. "Thanks," I said, and I began to walk away. 

I turned around before I could sneak off into the hall, "I won't be gone long, cover for me?" I asked, and he sent me a concealed thumbs up. 

As I successfully snuck out of the party and into the hallway, I tried my hardest to keep quiet. I rounded the corner, seeing Draco and Snape bickering again about something else, but I had to patience to listen. 

I waited for them to be done, concealing myself as Snape walked off, and waiting for Draco to once again head off to the Room of Requirement. He walked there quickly, not looking back once to see if he was being followed. 

This was good for me, but I wondered what the hurry was. 

As he disappeared into the room, I followed him inside. That's when he heard me. 

He turned around quickly, shocked to see I had trailed him, but did not make a move to get me to leave. "What are you doing here?" He asked, and I pointed to the cabinet. 

"I'm here to work," I said simply, and he rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you that I won't have you helping me?" He snapped. 

"It's a good thing I'm not here to help you, then. I'm here to do my task, thank you very much," I shot back, brushing past him and getting closer to it. 

"What?" He asked, and I shrugged. "You heard me, I'm doing my task. How hard is that to understand? You're not the only one with work to do, Draco," I replied. 

He scoffed, clearly put out, but said nothing back. I performed the same incantation on the cabinet, hoping it would react positively and get us some progress, but nothing happened for the longest time. 

Draco sat off to the side, just watching me. I would've been uncomfortable if it was anyone else, but I was entirely able to do my work without letting him get to me. 

I knew the one incantation was to be performed various times, and that it was a tedious process, but I guess I never thought about it. "Harmonia Nectere Passus," I said, feeling energy being sucked from my body each time I held my wand out to cast the spell. 

"It's exhausting, isn't it?" Draco said from behind me, and I could practically hear the sneer on his face. I brushed off his words, focusing on the spell, but felt his eyes on me. 

With my left hand, I shot a tiny slew of sparks at him, one of them burning him as I heard him hiss and pat the area I had hit. 

"Ow! Fuck," He complained, and I held back a chuckle. 

"Harmonia Nectere Passus. Harmonia Nectere Passus. Harmonia Nectere Passus," I repeated. 

Suddenly, a sound came from inside the cabinet, a small thud, and I lowered my wand. My attention was on the door now, I reached out to open it, but Draco got there first. He swung the door open and we both looked inside. 

A green apple with a bite mark in it sat on the floor of the cabinet, and I was stunned. "I put that there last week. I made it disappear, but... it was gone," Draco said in disbelief. 

"That means..." 

"That means the apple made it to Borgin and Burkes. It means the cabinet can transport small items now," He said, our eyes still trained on the apple. 

"Holy shit," I breathed, not believing we had really made progress. "How did you do it?" He asked, and I shrugged. 

"The incantation," I answered simply, not sure what else to say on my part. We both sat down, deciding that was enough work for one day. Seeing as we had done something of significance, we could pick up the work any other day. 

"Shouldn't you get back to your date?" Draco asked bitterly, and I turned to look at his disgruntled features. "What's your deal? You know I don't like Montague like that, and you're well aware of our history," I snapped, demanding answers that were being withheld from me.

"That's not what it looked like to me. You two seem awfully close these days," He said. 

"We're friends, Draco. He apologized to me, and I forgave him. We are just friends, though," I said.

"Just friends?" He scoffed, and I nodded. "Yeah. You should know me better than this. You should trust me more than this, it's honestly insulting, Draco," I said. 

"I- I do trust you," He said, and I shook my head with a humorless chuckle. "No, you don't," I said. 

"Fine. Okay, fine, I trust you, okay? We're fine now, right?" He asked, but I stood up, not accepting this. 

"No. You know what? No. I kill myself every day to make sure you're happy, and when you get mad, it's always my fault. Now here you are, clearly in the wrong, and you have the nerve to act like you're the one forgiving me? Fuck you," I spat, walking in the direction of the door.

"Wait, Maggie!" Draco called from behind me, but I simply turned and glared at him. 

"I'm going to Hogsmeade with Montague this weekend, I've just decided. Let's see how much you trust me, hmm?" I said, and the look on his face was priceless. 

Such a shame I walked out of the room so fast I hardly had time to relish in it. 

bad bitch party you cannot get in.

𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 • (𝐝.𝐦.)Where stories live. Discover now