𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"We need to get far enough away from everyone, far enough so they can't hear us," Draco said, talking more to himself than to me. He seemed manic, it was frightening.

We walked further and further into the depths of the maze until we were in the middle. Stone gargoyles and ivy-covered benches resided in this courtyard area, and with Draco's suit jacket still on me, I sat down on a bench.

"How do you know about me becoming a Death Eater?" He asked, running his fingers through his hair in a stressed manner.

"I- It doesn't matter. My dad's a Death Eater, the truth was bound to find its way to me," I said.

"You can't tell anyone about this," He rushed out, walking towards me, and I stood up quickly, backing away from him.

"I know that, I didn't plan on it. Why are you doing it, though, Draco? Why?" I asked.

"It's not that simple. I can't explain-"

"Yes, you can. To me, you can," I said, crossing my arms. I was done cowering away from the boy before me. That's all he was anyway... a boy. And I was just a girl. And this was all just a mess.

"To you? Is that supposed to make me feel safe? Protected? Who are you to me, anyway? My friend? Barely," He sneered, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain inside.

"I thought we could talk like people, Draco. I don't want you to become a Death Eater because I want to keep you-"

"Keep me safe? Is that what you were getting at? You couldn't keep me safe even if you fucking tried. You're pathetic. You're weak. You are the entire reason-" He started rambling, spewing his hurtful speech until he stopped altogether and turned away from me.

"I am the entire reason... for what?"

"Nothing," He said. "Nothing at all. I have no obligation to you, none whatsoever. You mean nothing to me, Maggie, absolutely nothing. Who cares that we kissed? Who gives a damn, because, in the grand scheme of things, that moment was so insignificant, I probably won't remember it in a few weeks.

-I wouldn't care to remember it anyway. You and I were never anything at all. Sure, I thought you were pretty, and I wanted to kiss you that night, but you let it go to your head, just as I suspected.

You're a sad little girl with daddy issues. I have no reason to argue with you because your opinion on this matter doesn't signify anything. You have no say in what I shall do. You're perfectly insignificant, Magdelena Warrington," Draco said, a cruel look on his face as he spit his hurtful venom directly into me.

I had nothing to say back.

I could say plenty, but I wouldn't.

Tears brimmed my eyes and I slid off the jacket that was around my shoulders, providing me what little warmth it could.

I stared into his eyes that no longer seemed as hate-filled as before, and I blinked away the sadness that wanted to make itself known through salty teardrops.

I wouldn't allow it.

Once the jacket was in my hands, I held it out for him to take.

This felt strangely familiar.

"Maggie, put it back on," Draco sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Don't. Don't pretend like you give a fuck about my wellbeing, I don't want your jacket," I said.

"You'll be cold-"

"Shut the fuck up," I barely whispered, now dropping the expensive piece on the ground. If he wasn't going to take it willingly, I wasn't going to stress myself out by trying to get him to take it back.

The last time I tried to give him a piece of his own clothing back, it ended with a kiss that apparently meant nothing to him.

I walked away from him, but not towards the house. I walked through the maze again, my chest heaving as I grew colder and more frustrated.

I found myself growing angrier and angrier. There was some feeling inside of me that wasn't normal, it wasn't something I had felt before.

It was almost as if all the pent-up anger I had was trying to force its way out of me.

My anger was white-hot, I was bubbling with rage at this point, and before I knew what was happening, I changed.

My hair had gone from its natural dark brown hue to a piercing white-gold within seconds, and the white-hot anger I had felt wasn't that at all- it was quite literally fire.

Fire flew from my hands, projecting itself to the ground. It sizzled the snow that had fallen, melting it and causing steam to rise, shocking me to no extent.

"What the f-" I started, but upon hearing a branch snap behind me, I whipped around quickly.

"Maggie! Calm down!" Blaise shouted.

"Blaise?! What- what's happening to me?!" I shrieked, terrified of what I just did. I trembled, holding my hands out and away from me so I didn't potentially burn myself. "How do I stop it? What's going on?" I asked hysterically, my voice quivering.

"Just breathe with me, okay? Breathe," He said calmly. Why was he not freaking out about this too? He was acting like me shooting literal fire from my hands was something he saw every day.

Why was my hair this color? Why had it changed, how the hell had it changed? Nothing was making sense about this, this kind of shit didn't happen to actual people, this sounded like it was out of a freakshow movie.

I was afraid of myself.

All that had happened was I got mad... really, really mad. I was so pissed, and then suddenly, my hair was changing color and my palms glowed with the fire that was soon shooting out of them.

Like, a fire-ball. Did that not sound ridiculous? It was ridiculous, and to be honest if it didn't just actually happen, I wouldn't believe it.

"Blaise, what the hell is going on?"

"This is normal, try to control it! You- you're part Veela, Maggie!"

"I'm what?"

whooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooo here's some more drama! i love drama i love making things interesting omg. time for shit to spice up!

𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 • (𝐝.𝐦.)Where stories live. Discover now