𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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After the feast, I found Blaise again at the Slytherin table.

"I'm gonna need your help finding our common room," I said, knowing I would not be able to locate where I needed to go.

"Of course, let's get going before Malfoy catches up," Blaise said and I sent a smile his way. At least one Slytherin could consider me a friend.

I liked Blaise. He had been so nice to me so far, and even though our dads were friends, I felt like maybe he wanted to be friendly to me anyway.

As we walked, he pointed at the moving paintings that covered the walls as we walked, and he told me a little bit about the history of the castle.

We ended up in the dungeons of Hogwarts and when we rounded one final corner, we had seemingly arrived.

"The password right now is Parseltongue," Blaise said, ", but it changes every fourteen days. Keep your eye out for the new one."

I nodded and watched as Blaise stood in front of the entrance and clearly stated the password, allowing us access to the common room.

I looked around and noticed the windows were looking out into a lake, our common room was completely submerged underwater just like he had told me earlier. "This place is... so cool," I said, looking around in awe.

It was truly magnificent, and I was so fascinated by the view out into the water.

In the common room, only a few Slytherin students were in there, but more were on their way from the Great Hall.

"Your room is up there in the girl's dormitories, and you can just find me if you have any more questions or... just want to hang out," Blaise said with a smile. I thanked him and watched as he headed to his room.

I stood in the common room, looking at my schedule and school information to find out where I would be rooming. When I found out where my room was, I followed Blaise's instructions and went up to the girl's dorms, finding where my room was.

When I was inside, I saw that my stuff was already placed by one of the four beds in the room. I guessed that meant three more roommates.

I walked to the bed my things were next to and began to unpack. I put away a majority of my clothes and some of my other belongings before I heard a commotion from right outside the door.

Three girls walked in and I noticed, unfortunately, that Pansy was one of them. Great.

I didn't know the two others but recognized them from the Slytherin table.

"Merlin, you're our roommate?" Pansy sneered, clearly not happy with the fact that I would be rooming with her. "I guess so, what are your names?" I asked, looking at the two other girls besides Pansy.

"Millicent Bulstrode," The heavier girl said in an irritated manner.

"I'm Daphne Greengrass, it's nice to meet you," The other girl said kindly, and I decided I liked her the best.

"I'm Maggie Warrington," I introduced myself, and Pansy snorted.

"Her real name's Magdelena," She scoffed, and I furrowed my brow at her. "I go by Maggie. Problem with my name?" I asked, and she shrugged.

"It's a rather odd name. Sounds borderline medieval," She said with a shit-eating grin, and I chuckled. "Your name is literally Pansy," I reminded her, and her grin disappeared.

"So? That's a perfectly respectable name," She snapped back and I rolled my eyes.

"In America, it's a slur against gay men," I retorted, and her eyes widened, she was clearly horrified.

"You're such a brat," She said, crossing her arms, and I nodded. "Okay, goodnight Daphne," I said, looking only at her and smiling. She returned it, saying goodnight back.

"What about-" Millicent started, but I held my hand up to stop her.

"I don't really like you two, you don't get a goodnight," I said, grabbing my toothbrush and other toiletries to put in the bathroom. I hurriedly did my night routine and changed into pajamas so I could go to bed.

I was extremely tired for some reason.

I crawled into my bed and closed my eyes, blocking out the rest of the world as best I could.

The people in my house were awful, but I decided to just keep my head up. Maybe it was just first impressions.

I hoped they would get better.

As I drifted to sleep, I noticed a peaceful hum throughout the castle. It aided me in falling asleep faster, and for the first time since arriving, I felt comfortable.

When I woke up, I hurriedly got ready and rushed off to my classes.

Unfortunately, Draco was in four of them: Potions, Divination, DADA, and Transfiguration.

Luckily, though, Blaise was in all of my classes, most likely thanks to my dad.

I made a mental note to ask him about it next time I owled him.

The week passed by slowly with me meeting up with my Gryffindor friends whenever I could.

Draco and Pansy, of course, harassed me whenever they could and I actively ignored them.

At night, Millicent and Pansy would crack jokes to themselves on either one's bed and Daphne and I would distract ourselves with homework and chitchat.

On Friday night, I thanked God the week was over.

That particular night, however, Daphne was out hanging with her boyfriend, and I was left to deal with Pansy and Millicent alone.

They sat on Millicent's bed talking very loudly about this and that, sometimes taking a moment to whisper something pointed about me, making sure to look right at me so there was no doubt in my mind who they were discussing.

I tried to ignore it, but by the time midnight rolled around, it looked as if I was not going to be getting any sleep soon.

With a sigh, I stood, deciding I would go to the common room to hang out for a bit.

When I got there, I noticed a blonde figure alone there that made me regret ever leaving my bed.

"Warrington," He said with a sneer as he turned to face me after realizing I had come in.

"Malfoy," I shot back with equal disdain.

thank you all of you who came from my "announcement" chapter on blind-sided! love you all immensely and i hope you like this book!

𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 • (𝐝.𝐦.)Where stories live. Discover now