𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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(this is who i envision as montague, by the way

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(this is who i envision as montague, by the way...)

"Um, I- I'm sorry, here," I said, extending my arms and trying to give it back to him, but he shook his head.

He had a green apple in his hand, a bite already taken out of it, and his arms were crossed casually. 

"You can keep it, I never wear it," He said, and I looked down at it, then back up at him. 

"But isn't that a little... strange?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"It's only weird if you make it weird, Warrington," he said, walking past us up into his dorm. 

I turned to Blaise, slapping him on the arm, and he winced. "What?" He exclaimed, and I threw the sweater at him. "I thought you'd bring me one of your sweaters, dipshit," I hissed, and he rolled his eyes. 

"Oh, get over it," He said. "It helped you if anything. I know you fancy Malfoy," He said, and my eyes went as wide as they possibly could. 

"What?!" I shrieked, and he ducked out of the way of another slap from me. "Or maybe I misread the situation!" He defended himself, darting away from me, and I groaned. 

Did people really think that? I hoped not, but it was only Blaise who had said it, so it probably was a personal hunch he had.

A wrong personal hunch, but a hunch regardless.

"Whatever, you didn't exactly hit the nail on its head about Montague and me. You should really retire your Cupid act," I said simply, intending to ignore how I was feeling in the moment. 

We got out of the way for whoever was setting up the party. Pansy started muttering spells with Millicent, and I wanted no part of it, so Blaise and I walked to the Great Hall for dinner. 

There were 45 minutes until the party started, and dinner was well over, but the food was still out on the tables for anyone wanting to pick at anything.

Blaise and I sat and ate for a little bit, talking about the plan until Fred and George found their way over to us again. 

"Well, hello there, you sly Slytherins," George greeted us, and I smiled at their arrival. 

"Weasleys," Blaise confirmed. He pretended he didn't like them but I could tell he was warming up to the Gryffindors. 

"Got the stuff, Zabini?" Fred asked, and Blaise nodded, fishing into his pocket for the vial of Veritaserum that was crucial to our plot. "Perfect," George said, taking it from him and pocketing it. 

"Hey!" Blaise protested, trying to reach back for it, but I shook my head. "It'll be easier if they slip it into Montague's drink, we'd be too suspicious about it," I said, and he nodded. 

"Fine, but if these two bums screw it up, they'll have me to deal with," Blaise shot back, and Fred Weasley held his hands up defensively, "Simmer down." 

With the vial in their hands, the Weasleys were on their way, going who knows where with it. I didn't realize there were only five minutes until the party started. We had spent a good chunk of time perfecting this plan, and now all we had left to do was attend. 

Blaise and I hurried back to the common room to be on time. There was a time limit to enter the common room so we didn't get caught by Umbridge and Filch, but we got back just in time. 

Once inside, we saw that people were everywhere. There was a good number of people dancing, drinking, and chatting, and I was not about to be an exception. 

I found Montague immediately, his eyes locking on mine as soon as mine lingered on his. "You look... sexy," He said, looking me up and down in a way that made my skin crawl. 

"Thanks," I said unenthusiastically as his hands traveled to my waist. I winced at the contact, not for any particular reason other than discomfort, but he seemed to notice. 


"Nothing, nothing. I'm just a little-" 

"Jumpy. Why?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes with a smile plastered on my face, unwavering. He had caught a slip-up, and I promised myself it would not happen again. 

I only had to keep this up for a little longer, I kept reminding myself. 

"I'm not jumpy," I chuckled, my hand finding his jaw, holding it, and I leaned in to kiss him- to distract him, but before I could get close, his hand found my jaw. 

Except he held my jaw a little too tightly. Holding my face and tilting it to the side, he just looked at me for a while, his expression hard. "What game are you playing, Maggie?" He asked me tauntingly, but I ripped away from his grip. 

"No game," I said sweetly, and his facial expression softened. 

"I need a drink," He said, taking my hand and guiding us both to the beverage table. When he got his drink of choice and I opted out of drinking for the time being. 

He drank, he drank, he drank. 

He finished his drink and got another. 

The Weasleys snuck up behind him and Fred dumped the Veritaserum into his drink when he wasn't paying attention. 

He drank the new mixture and I saw his face level out. Showtime. 

"Can I have everybody's attention?" I shouted, Blaise, coming up from beside me. 

When everyone was looking at me, I got up on the coffee table by the couch. All eyes were on me. Montague stood still next to me and I chuckled to myself. The calm before the storm. 

"I would just like to announce something quickly. Many of you know Graham Montague, correct?" I asked, motioning to him next to me. "Well, he made a little bet with his friends about me. It's honestly really gross, but why hear it from me? We've got his firsthand account just waiting to be said," I beamed, looking down at Montague.

His face was blank and unreadable, but it was perfect.

"Tell them," I said, crossing my arms. 

"Tell them everything." 

hahhahaha BITCH you just got spiked. suck on that one motherfucker! hahahahahahaaa i love maggie being a bad bitch. ugh, my queen. 

𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 • (𝐝.𝐦.)Where stories live. Discover now